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"Ah Han! How's it going with the newest patient?" Jiwan his boss asked him with a fake ass smile plastered on his face.

It's been a few days now since Jisung started his sessions with Minho aka the Joker. Let's just say his mind was trying it's hardest to stay sane.

"It's going okay. He has an intriguing mindset." The man scoffed. "You mean crazy? Just say it Han, they all are. You trying to say something else might just make you as crazy as them."

Jisung blinked and just stared at the man. "I'm only using the correct terms sir. Now excuse me I have a session to start." He bowed and started walking away with his clipboard.

He placed the clipboard on his desk and took his notepad and pen before making his way towards the specific room where he's been sitting at for the past 6 days with Minho, alone.

And every single time he went there, he felt nervous, legs jelly and palms sweaty, mind hazy. He took a deep breath before composing himself and walked in after greeting the guards.

Minho was already seated a smirk on his face as his eyes watched Jisung walk in. Jisung sat down on the chair in front of him and placed his stuff on the table.

"Hello doll." Minho said and Jisung sighed. "I've told you before it's doctor Han."

Minho just shrugged. "Doll suits you much better."

"Minho." Jisung warned and the other chuckled. "Sorry doll, oops I mean doctor Han."

Jisung sighed. "Do you really find this that amusing?" He asked and Minho nodded. "It brings me much joy! Especially because it makes you blush every single time."

Jisung's face went red. "W-what? No it doesn't!" Minho laughed again. "Yes it does, either you get easily embarrassed or you like guys and think I'm attractive, which I am."

Jisung groaned. "No Minho. Let's just focus on today's session."

Minho's face remained the same with that teasing smile on it. "You're sick in the head Hannie, you like boys. If we were in another country you'd be locked up, get conversation therapy!" He giggled.

"They have really funny methods when it comes to that!" He leaned forward and looked at Han "And you call us insane and dangerous? But you don't see those people getting locked up, for torturing people like that now do you?" He asked.

(A/n this is no joke okay! Conversation therapy is not funny in the slightest)

Jisung blinked. "Have you been to conversion therapy Minho?"

Minho shrugged. "I like boys Hannie, if that wasn't obvious yet. So yes my folks sent me there to fix me. The torture is real."

"But you got out somehow?"

"Oh yeah! One day I was locked up and before I had stolen a butter knife from the kitchen. When they were trying to cuff me to the chair I stabbed the guy. The blood spurted out and it made me laugh. His face when he died was funny." Minho said with a small smile.

"I went back home afterwards to my parents. They were confused to see me but happy thinking I was normal now."

"And what happened next?" Jisung asked as he gulped. "When they found out I wasn't they tried to drown me, so I killed them." He said it like it was nothing.

Jisung noted this down on his notepad before looking at Minho. "It was self defence, in both instances."

Minho smiled at Jisung. "Yeah, my survival instincts kicked in, but then I discovered I like the thrill of feeling truly alive. I went against the system that so many suffer under and freed myself. Since then I started doing it all the time. You label me a criminal that's insane but I'm just free and freeing others along with me."

"How so? Enlighten me of your thought process."

Minho giggled. "I'm glad you asked Hannie! Fuck the constitution you know? The government controls everything, they set the rules for people and what's the norm and what isn't. They decide how we live but who says they have the right to do so? Who are they to decide what's acceptable and what's not?"

Jisung nodded understanding the way his mind works. "So that's why I'm helping to free people from this rule they have over them. Why I do the things I do. I can see in your eyes that you understand me Hannie."

Jisung nodded. "I do, what you say makes sense but I don't think you're going about it the right way. Because the media portrays you as a criminal that's evil and that's just robbing and killing people."

Minho looked at him with a stare that could kill. "I only kill the people that get in my way doll."

Jisung shivered but not the bad kind. "Do you know Robin hood? From the fairytale?"

Jisung nodded. "He stole from the rich to give to the poor, he's a vigilante and he gets cheered on by the commoners but revered by the rich."

"Are you trying to be like him?" Jisung asked.


So sorry it's been a week since I updated this 😭 enjoy! I'll be having more free time now so I'll update more.

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