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Han Jisung was never a child that really stood out in a crowd. He was a silent kid with not many friends. No one knew what he was thinking. Han Jisung knew at the age of 5 that it was better to keep his mouth shut and keep his thoughts to himself.

Han Jisung knew that no kid thought the same as him, that no one would understand him or even comprehend what he meant. He didn't know why he thought this way and he knew no one else would either. He would be seen as crazy, someone belonging in the looney bin.

So Jisung kept to himself and tried to be as normal as possible. Though he always felt like this normal society portrays is only for its own benefit and not for anyone else's.

Why make rules for them to be broken? Why take and never give to others? Why is the world and all its affairs evolved around money? What value does a piece of paper have?

Nothing. Just like everything else. It has no value. Everything exists just to whither away in the end. People want to go through life experiencing everything to find a semblance of happiness, of fulfillment of a sense of belonging. But it doesn't exist, it's nothing but an illusion created by society to control people.

Jisung never felt alive nor did he want to subject himself to the norms of society. But he had no other choice. He did not want to be looked away like some circus animal. He wanted to be left alone.

Jisung studied psychology because he wanted to understand himself, he wanted to find souls alike himself. He didn't think they were crazy, not really. He understood most of them. He understood their urges.

It's hard suppressing one's nature, but Jisung's pro at it. He wants to scream at people and voice all his opinions and thoughts on society. But he couldn't. They would not understand and he be sitting on the other side of the glass instead.

Jisung thought he'd forever be alone and that no one would know what he was talking about, if he showed his real thoughts. That was until he met Lee Minho.

The most crazy person (according to society) alive. Jisung met him and talked with him, got into his mind and wracked his brain. The things he discovered within were so similar to what he himself thought.

He couldn't believe someone else was just like him. He couldn't believe someone was actually out there and acting on those thoughts. He couldn't believe someone was brave enough to be himself like that.

Minho tempted Jisung a lot. He had to stop himself from squealing and opening his mouth to giggle at what Minho said in pure amusement and understanding. He wanted so bad to let himself go, but he couldn't.

He had worked hard to perfect his professionalism and his distant persona. He'd just talk with Minho and relish in it whilst looking professional and then just go on with his boring life.

After all his mamma told him to always behave and be professional. Jisung respected those words.

Jisung wanted more for himself, he had dreams but they were unrealistic and not normal. He disliked his path back then. But now he can't say he hates it. Life has gifted him , a kindred spirit, a handsome and crazy guy.

Jisung cursed at the lack of sleep as his alarm rang and he had barely slept a wink. He sighed before rolling out of his bed and getting ready for work. Only now there was a little more pep to his step.

He ate breakfast, took his coat and put on his shoes. Took the 20 minute train to work, greeted Dave the guard and entered to start another day of listening to people yap on about being crazy without accepting they're crazy.

You can only justify so much people?!

Jisung took a cup and poured some coffee into it before checking his schedule and going over the necessary files that he needed.

It was important for him to read over his notes and reread the files so he was always sharp and knew who he was dealing with.

"Han, how's it going with the crazy bastard who always smiles?" His boss asked him as he walked into the office with a file in his hand.

"It's going, I'm close to having a diagnosis and then I'll be able to prescribe him treatment to help him clear his mind." Despite his own thoughts Han was damn good at doing what he did.

His boss nodded. "Fast work as always. I've someone else for you. Kaye has some issues figuring it out. So I decided to give this client to you instead. Take care of it." And with that he walked away.

"Boss you can't be serious right now? I'm already taking care of like 75% of the patients in this wing, we have 4 therapists here besides me."

"Nonsense Han, don't be so selfish, be a team player!"

Han sighed, he glanced at the clock and a smile came to his lips. It was time for his appointment with the one and only joker.


Sorryyyy I keep disappearing hahah.

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