Chapter 11

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Xavier's lips moved against mine and for a second I hesitated, but the sparks woke me up and I reacted. It was like nothing I had ever experienced, and I had not experienced a lot thanks to my brothers. There were literal fireworks. I thought people just over exaggerated when they said kissing your mate was like an orgasm in your mouth, but they were very right.

Xavier grabbed me by the waist and pulled my closer and I wrapped my arms around his neck and tangle my hands into his hair. I tug slightly and a groan escapes his lips. He bites my bottom lip but I don't dare to let him in.

So Xavier reaches down and gives my butt an unexpected squeeze. I gasped in surprise and pleasure and his tongue invaded my mouth. I wrestled it but he was too dominant so I let him win and explore my mouth.

I went to go for air but just as I had gotten a little air Xavier pulls me back and kisses me again. I moan into the kiss and push myself closer into him as he grabs my ass and lifts me up so that I jump up and wrap my legs around his waist. He pushes me against the bridge and I hold onto him tighter.

We both stop for air and Xavier leans his forehead against mine and our breaths intermingle. I glance up to see him already looking at me and I blush and look away.

I jump off of him and back to the floor were I instantly miss his warm embrace and his oh so sexy lips. I didn't actually think that a kiss could be that good or that emotional. I felt all his emotions in that kiss guilt, anger, sadness, pride, happiness and love I swear he was a little bipolar.

"Charlotte I'm so sorry for leaving you alone before and for being such an ass but I'll try to be better I promise, please just give me a chance," Xavier begs as he runs his hand through his sexy hair and bites his lip.

I almost moan at the action but quickly clear my throat. Can't let him get the benefit of being so handsome and sexy and oh my god I could- No stop it Charlotte focus! Xavier is waiting for your answer and you're just standing there like an idiot.

"Ok Xavier, I'll give you a chance, I'll always give you a chance you're my mate and I don't want to lose you," I say in a whisper.

Xavier smiles at me and I fall in love with it instantly. I want it all the time everyday and I'm going to figure out how. He steps forward and hugs me while burying his face into my shoulder and sniffing my scent.

I sigh in content and together we walk back to the pack house hand in hand. When we walk in I see Lauren sitting on the couch watching Say Yes to the Dress and I giggle. She quickly looks at our intertwined hands and us and smirks and wriggles her eyebrows at me. I immaturely stick my tongue out and I hear a slight chuckle come from Xavier.

"Come on let's go upstairs," Xavier says and leads me back too my room.

I know that he wants me to rest because he is still worried about me and worried about the wound on my neck that healed to quickly, so he calls the pack doctor. We sit on the bed and wait for the doctor to arrive, we have a normal conversation about our favourite food and drinks and which movies we loved best.

I was finally getting to know more about Xavier, now I just had to learn more about what happened to this person he was really close too. Finally the doctor arrived and he tells me to sit still as he examines my neck.

"It seems to have healed completely even thought that is impossible," he said surprised, "we are going to have to do some blood tests come to me in a week or so and we will figure this out but right now I want you to get some rest I don't know what to expect and we really don't know what is going to happen now."

He leaves the room and I start to panic, if he does a blood test he will know that I am a panther. Maybe that is also the reason why it healed so fast. I look up to see Xavier look at me in concern so I quickly put a fake smile on and jump up into his arms. He seems to have dropped it because he doesn't ask me what is wrong.

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