Chapter 6

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I could hear the screaming coming from inside the pack house and knew I had to go in and make sure everyone went into the basement where they wouldn't be heard by the attacking pack. I raced inside with Blake on my heels he could probably read on my face what I wanted to go do. So we sprinted inside where all the pack members who couldn't fight were standing around.

"Ok everyone settle down," I screamed over the loud noise of everyone crying and talking and even some people were screaming still. "As you all know the war has started and Blake and I have gotten strict orders to make sure you get to safety so we would like you all to go to the basement where it is safe".

Blake and I helped the elderly, pregnant, children, hurt, sick, etc. get down into the basement and once they were all safe with everything they needed we got out of the basement and locked the steel metal door before standing in front guarding it.

"Hey Blake? Just in case something does happen today remember that I love you alright?" I say and give him a small grin.

"I love you too sis but nothing will happen" Blake replies with a big smile before looking forward again.

"Yeahh... About that... I am going to do something really stupid and you probably wont be very happy with it" I wince as I see Blake almost get a whiplash at looking at me so quickly.

"Charlotte what do you think you're doing?" Blake says with a glare.

"I have a plan don't worry! But you have to trust me and you have to promise to stay here to protect everyone. Do you understand?" I say sincerely.

"Do I understand? DO I UNDERSTAND? Of course I don't understand you retard how could you think for one second I would understand. I am not losing you like I lost mum and that is the end of the story now I trust you to stand here with me until it is over" Blake screams and turns back around angrily.

"Sorry Blake" I whisper and sprint away.

I know he won't come after me because otherwise there is no one to protect the rest of the pack so I quickly sprint up the stairs and to the door.

"CHARLOTTE" I hear him scream one last time before shaking my head and entering the house.

It is still very quiet and the wolves are not close by yet so I creep upstairs to check on garden before going out to see if I can continue my plan. I unlock my door before going in, Garden is walking around restless as if he can sense what is going on outside, but when he sees me he barks happily and sprints over to me.

"Shhh you need to be quiet" I happily scold him and he takes no notice as he starts to lick my arm.

I giggle before kissing him on the forehead and leaving to go into the woods. I lock the door again and leave before he starts whining and wanting to come with me.

I walk past the kitchen and grab an apple and quickly eat it most of it before entering the garden and throwing the rest away into the vast density of trees. I undress quickly and wrap my clothes around my ankle before shifting into my panther and running deep into the woods. I see the clearing and freeze as I see my pack and the other pack being absolutely destroyed by Xavier's pack. I growl angrily before sprinting back into the woods making sure no one saw me.

I quickly shift back into my human form and put on my clothes. Now to get my plan into action. I smirk before rubbing mud on my clothes and cutting my self a little bit so that blood dribbles out but the wounds heal really quickly so it looks like I'm hurt. I sit down on the ground and relax before breathing in deeply and then letting out a terrifying piercing scream.

I bet it could be heard from very far away and I laugh evilly before going back to my acting. I sense 5 werewolves heading towards me and I knew they were definitely not from my pack. They are suddenly surrounding me and growling at my damaged body.

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