Chapter 8

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We drove in awkward silence because, to be honest, I didn't really know who Xavier really was. I clutch onto Garden's hair and look slowly to Xavier. His strong jaw was set as he looked out at the road.

I whipped my head back around as he turned to look at me with his emotionless eyes. I looked out of the side window too see forest, there was lots of it and I didn't even know where we were going! What am I doing? Going somewhere random. Why didn't I have the decency to at least ask where his pack was? But now it was too late because I was definitely terrified of his cold eyes.

I felt Garden's soft snores and they were like a lullaby as I slowly fell asleep.

I dreamt about black eyes. They weren't human like, it scared the hell out of me and the eyes seemed to be calling my name.




"Charlotte!" I woke with a start as I realised it was Xavier calling my name.

I looked at him standing outside my door and I grabbed his hand as he helped me out of the car. Tingles shot up my arm and I almost fell because of my weakened legs.

"We are here" Xavier says and turns to walk into a huge mansion.

It was white covered in actual gold; the gold rimmed the edges and made intricate designs on the building. It was two stories and was absolutely stunning; I could only gape as I looked at it. I turned around to see a sort village, the houses were very nice but everyone seemed to know each other and walked around freely talking to whomever they came across.

I smiled as I saw the small markets down the street, I would really like to wander around this place. See what kind of people they have here and definitely the forest! That would be the highlight of this visit.

I turned back to the house to see Garden bounding into the house and so I quickly walked after him. But walking seemed useless as I entered the castle like design; the inside was even more beautiful. The plush black rugs matched nicely with the white and gold and I guess kind of reflected Xavier. I smiled at that and followed Xavier's scent.

It led me up a huge staircase, which split off, one heading to the right and one to the left. I followed the right staircase and continued to walk down numerous doors until I reached a grand door. I opened the door softly and almost groaned in amazement as I saw the fucking HUGE room and the most amazing looking bed.

I saw Xavier standing at the end of the bed putting my bag down and so I slowly walked towards him. I didn't really know what to do or how he would react.

Xavier turns around and pulls me into a hug. I tense in surprise before relaxing into his arms, I feel his breathe on my neck as he smells my scent and I swear we just moulded further into each other if that is even possible.

"I'll be in my office you should settle down," Xavier says while kissing my head and walking out.

What was that? What the fuck was that? What the actual flying fuck was that? No serious? WHAT WAS THAT?

I groan in frustration and pull at my hair. I can't believe he just left me! We were meant to mate as soon as we met; now he doesn't even want to do it 2 days later. What an asshole I can't believe he just left me to go do work.

I felt angry tears spill from my eyes and quickly wiped them away before grabbing my stuff and putting them in the huge walk in cupboard. Half of it was filed with Xavier's stuff and mine didn't even fill up half of my own space.

The only thing good about right now is that at least we are sharing a room, even though nothing would happen anyway. I glared at his side of the closet and stomp out. I have decided that I am going to explore I don't care what he wants. Heartless evil sexy handsome delicious... Ok I am definitely getting off track here.

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