Arc 5: I'm the Demon King - The Daozhang's Allure (58.1)

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When classes started at Zhenglin High School, some of the young students carrying their backpacks while entering noticed that there were two men sitting outside the milk tea shop across the street.

Both of them had black hair, broad shoulders, narrow waists, and long legs; they were both very good-looking to boot.

The most attention-grabbing thing about them were their contrasting auras.

The one in sunglasses that radiated a wicked aura seemed to be in a good mood as he chewed enthusiastically on his gum.

The other one sat straight with a frown on his handsome face. Despite that, he looked at the people around him in a very friendly and pure way.

Shi Qing had cut his hair into a handsome style. One of his long legs was directly placed on Meng Qing's thighs. He leaned his chair back in a crooked manner.

Seeing the little cultivator glaring at him, he raised his eyebrows proudly and took off his sunglasses.

"Watch your attitude little cultivator. I'm your Master now."

"No, you're not!"

Meng Qing became even angrier, his eyes full of displeasure. "I didn't even agree to sign that contract with you."

"I don't care."

The demon king capriciously put his sunglasses back on. "There's no use crying over spilt milk. You're already one of my underlings."

"You'll belong to me until you die."

Meng Qing, who had been educated in righteousness since his childhood, had never seen such a brazen person. He immediately flushed an angry red and opened his mouth repeatedly without making a sound. He was at a complete loss of how to respond.

Shi Qing continued to tease him, "Do you want to scold me? Go on, I'm listening."

Meng Qing gritted his teeth and spat out a sentence. "Demonic fiend!"

"What kind of curse is that? Call me something nastier."

Meng Qing was almost infuriated to the point of fainting. He glared at him before looking away coldly.

Shi Qing continued, "Angry?"

"You have such a short fuse."

"Hey, little cultivator, how can you not look directly at your Master when he's talking to you?"

Meng Qing looked down and tried to clear his mind. He started reciting mantras under his breath.

"Don't you want to know why I searched you out?" Shi Qing said.


"You really don't want to know? I'm the one you have to follow for the rest of your life."

Meng Qing: Cultivator currently memorizing scriptures.

Seeing that he was clearly planning to ignore him, the demon king shook the leg he put on the other person.

"In that case, I won't tell you about how you and I are fated to be together."

The young cultivator's chanting stopped.

He turned incredulously and stared at Shi Qing with wide eyes. "What did you say?"

"Oh, so now you're willing to pay attention to me?"

The handsome man with the sunglasses leaned back. "I thought you didn't want to hear it."

Meng Qing looked Shi Qing up and down suspiciously before suddenly loosening his eyebrows.

"You must have deceived me."

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