Arc 7: Mermaid or Siren? - Deepsea Behemoth Gong (82)

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Just a heads up that there’s kind of some incest this chapter if you tilt your head... But they aren’t really related!

Editor: SimoB

Because the little mermaid was in danger, the golden dragon had been directly exposed to the sunlight for longer than he ever was before. And so, for the first time in his long dragon life, he ended up using his human body.

As the golden dragon’s body limply sank back into the sea, a beautiful blond man emerged from the dragon pearl held in its paws.

He had the features of a westerner with deep golden eyes, a high nose, slightly thin lips, and beautiful blond curls that fell to his shoulders.

The golden dragon looked down at his paws– no, hands.

When he tried to move his claws, his fingers twitched instead.

Shaking his head from side to side, he discovered that his dragon whiskers seemed to be missing as well.

The golden dragon was in a bit of a panic.

After all, his baby absolutely adored his whiskers and claws...

While he was in a daze, the little mermaid swam over.

With joy on his porcelain face, Shi Qing immediately dove into his arms and nuzzled the blonde human’s face with his nose affectionately.

The golden dragon instantly forgot about the loss of his paws. A brilliant smile appeared on his handsome face as he mimicked the little mermaid’s actions and nuzzled him back.

Eventually, the little mermaid’s white and tender cheeks became slightly flushed.

As expected of a race that ruled the seas for tens of thousands of years, even the spare human bodies of the dragons were quite powerful.

Not only could they still breathe underwater, it seemed like even their strength had been transferred.

More importantly, they were just way too handsome!!

What would’ve been a silly expression on the golden dragon’s giant face became charming on this blonde human. As Shi Qing took in the slight quirk of his lips and his beautiful golden eyes glittering like stars, his siren nature began to stir.

After laying eyes on a human that they liked, sirens would use various manipulative and seductive tactics to earn their trust. They would then violently drag their prey to the bottom of the sea, drowning them.

Sirens did this despite knowing that humans couldn’t survive underwater.

Very few knew the criteria sirens used to select the victims that they brutally murder.

Every siren would fall in love with a human.

Perhaps it was because of how different they were from all the other fishes in the sea, perhaps it was because humans shared the same upper body structure as them.

Or maybe it was because only sirens and humans had the ability to speak and feel various emotions.

Anyways, the sirens’ affinity for humans dated back thousands of years.

But their way of showing affection was very different.

They would do everything in their power to lure humans in before dragging them into the deep sea.

At this point, the suffocating humans would struggle desperately. However, their struggles were useless because the sirens would hold onto the humans tightly by their tails and continue to drag them towards the dark depths.

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