Arc 7: Mermaid or Siren? - Deepsea Behemoth Gong (83.2)

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Ever since humans lost their various advantages, the originally hidden creatures of the world emerged from their hibernation one after another.




No matter how harmless they appeared to be, each one was more dangerous than the last. The humans who had lost everything could only try to fight back against these creatures.

These recently awakened creatures tended to stay within the confines of certain countries. Contrary to the various myths and legends, none of them were friendly towards humans. This left humans no choice but to try and defend their living environment.

China was one of the more fortunate countries.

The legendary creature that awoke there was a golden dragon.

Although he was big enough to cover the sky and his roars were like earthquakes, at least this dragon made its home in the sea.

That meant land was still human territory.

Even though the animals on land were also beginning to mutate, a few examples being mice that were larger than rabbits, rabbits that were the size of pigs and pigs the size of cows...

At least they couldn’t breathe fire.

According to their sources, dragons also emerged in the western world, but of a different species, the kind that had a big belly and breathed fire. Plus that kind of dragon lived on land and breathed fire on whoever was unlucky enough to cross their sight.

The golden dragon of China lived in the sea, so Chinese people could just avoid going in the ocean.

But the big-bellied dragons of western countries lived on land. What are westerners supposed to do, live in the sea??

The legendary creatures from other countries created slaughter and mayhem in their wake, but China’s golden dragon was more peaceful despite its greater might.

It could almost be considered friendly towards humans.

The people who were too scared to venture into the ocean after the appearance of the golden dragon gradually recovered their courage when they discovered that it wasn’t actively malevolent in nature. Some of the bolder ones decided to test the waters.

One by one, the people who went out to sea came back alive.

More and more people chose to take the risk after seeing that the golden dragon didn’t make a move.

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Although they might still encounter disasters at sea, whether they be natural ones or other creatures...

At least the golden dragon who could annihilate their country if he wanted to didn’t act.

Ever so slowly, a new legend began to circulate in China.

The golden dragon that lived in the deep sea had a little mermaid.

It was a mermaid even more beautiful than an elf, who had long hair, a beautiful silver-white fishtail, and wore a golden crown.

This little mermaid was the golden dragon’s baby, and the two were inseparable. However, the little mermaid liked humanity more than the golden dragon who was indifferent and aloof.

To be more precise, the mermaid liked human food and objects.

Everyone knew that this good-hearted mermaid was very fond of humans.

Those that went out to sea would prepare a gift in a waterproof box for the little mermaid and toss it into the water before their journey. Through some method, the ever elusive golden dragon would present these gifts to his baby.

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