Arc 6: Bigshot Researcher - Can a Scientific Bigshot Not Be Spoiled? (74)

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It was an exceptional year for China.

First of all, Professor Shi developed artificial nerves, which improved the quality of life of many disabled people.

Then the tensions between China and Country S reached a breaking point as both sides began to prepare.

The war was over before it even began. The general public didn’t know the details, but they could tell something was up from the Queen choosing Qin Yunsheng to be the crown prince.

This crown prince obviously came from a military background with many honours to his name. He seemed very skilled in the art of combat.

Some speculated that Qin Yunsheng’s position as the crown prince may not be secure due to the ‘Invisible Prince’ from before. Many believed that person to be the future monarch. Even if those people could accept the newcomer, could the ‘Hidden Prince’ himself do so?


Not only did he accept it, he did it without even blinking.

He was so focused on scientific research that he had no interest in being the crown prince.

The people at the Institute were dumbfounded.

They doubted their own eyes when they saw the crown prince appear on TV.

Wasn’t this Professor Shi’s bodyguard??

The officer who came to protect Professor Shi somehow became the Crown Prince???

When they heard that Qin Yunsheng was being recalled to the army in preparation for war, they never thought that the next time they saw him would be at the crown prince’s coronation.

What a small world they lived in.

People who were close to Qin Yunsheng felt a sense of pride.

How many people could say they were friendly with the crown prince? They’re the ones who are close to the crown prince!

Those that weren’t as familiar with Qin Yunsheng came snooping around, trying to figure out if this Crown Prince had really spent time at the Institute.

They questioned their life when they verified that he did.

Then someone remembered how Shi Yiyi kept running her mouth after Shi Qing got together with Qin Yunsheng.

One could only imagine how she felt now that Qin Yunsheng was the Crown Prince.

Shi Yiyi wasn’t around to ask.

In fact, she was no longer at the Institute at all.

The Duke had her transferred after he found out about her latest scheme to target Shi Qing.

He was a man indifferent to family, but that didn’t mean he would stand by and watch his niece act against his son.

When Shi Yiyi cried and begged to come live with him as a child, he only agreed out of a sense of pity. Yet, in the end, it seemed like her privileged upbringing only made her greedy for more.

The Duke didn’t mind his niece benefiting from his position, but he did mind her living at his house and using his money to ruin his son’s reputation.

He raised her, but he didn’t owe her a thing.

Shi Yiyi threw a fit at first, but she finally realized how naive she had been while being forcibly sent away. Why had she ever assumed that the Duke held Shi Qing and her in the same regard?

Of course she was upset that years of planning and hard work had come to nothing, but at this point Shi Yiyi could only console herself...

So what if Shi Qing was famous now and the Duke agreed to his relationship with Qin Qunsheng?

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