Nap time

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grian pov:

Using a significant amount of magic to grant watcher vision to two people had taken a heavy toll on me. I hadn't wielded such powerful magic in a long time, and the effort left me utterly drained. I recalled the first time I reunited with Mumbo; back then, I had only given him the vision, and even then, it was in the form of a necklace, not a full bracelet.

As I stumbled into his workshop, exhaustion weighing heavily on my every step, Mumbo glanced up from his work, a look of confusion momentarily crossing his face. However, he remained silent, focusing intently on whatever project held his attention. Despite the perplexed atmosphere, I didn't have the energy to explain. I made a beeline for his office, feeling his confusion deepen but choosing to ignore it.

Once inside, I quickly sought comfort on his couch. Hugging a pillow tightly, I allowed myself to sink into the cushions. The fatigue was overwhelming, and as I closed my eyes, I could feel the weight of the day's exertions pulling me into a deep, much-needed sleep.

Scar's pov:

It was strange getting used to the new vision, but I got the hang of it faster than Xisuma. He was still a bit bewildered, looking around slightly confused. I, on the other hand, found myself increasingly intrigued by the world seen through this new lens. The blue haze that seemed to cling to certain people fascinated me, and I couldn’t help but feel a surge of curiosity every time I saw it.

I began to actively seek out these people, wondering if they were connected to Grian in some way or if they were Watchers like him. My mind buzzed with questions: What did the blue haze signify? Why did only certain individuals have it? Were there others like Grian hiding in plain sight?

As I wandered through the bustling corridors, my eyes darted from person to person, scanning for that telltale blue shimmer. I found a few people who seemed to emit a faint glow, but I couldn't be sure if they were Watchers or something else entirely. The uncertainty held me back from approaching them; I didn’t want to risk a confrontation without more information.

Instead, I decided to follow a particularly thin trail of blue haze that caught my attention. It meandered through the building, and I could feel an inexplicable pull guiding me forward. The trail led me down to Mumbo's office. I knew Grian was down there, and so was Mumbo. I heard the familiar sound of Mumbo tinkering with something, so I gently knocked on the door to his workshop.

"Come in, Scar," Mumbo's voice called out before I had a chance to announce myself. I paused, momentarily confused by how he knew it was me. Opening the door, I stepped into the workshop, taking in the sight of Mumbo engrossed in his project.

"Grian just passed out, so if he did something, you'll probably have to wait until he wakes up for answers," Mumbo said, not looking up as he carefully inserted a delicate component into his project.

I took a moment to observe him through my new vision, noticing an unusual red tint. "Why are you... red?" I asked, curiosity getting the better of me.

""Redstone dust," he stated simply, glancing at me with a small smile. "If you were following the blue haze, that leads to Grian. Please don't bother him too much. I don't want to deal with a cranky bird."

I nodded, although the explanation didn't quite make sense to me. "That doesn't make sense, but okay," I said with a smile, walking over to him. "How do you know about the blue haze?" I asked, my curiosity piqued.

Mumbo paused, clearly focused on fixing a delicate part of his project. "Long... story," he said, his attention still on the task at hand. He carefully adjusted something, then finally looked up at me once it had settled into place.

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