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Scar pov:

It was a stormy day, the kind that made the air feel heavy with the scent of rain and the distant rumble of thunder. The room we were in was dimly lit, the only light coming from the occasional flash of lightning through the windows. A nest bed, cozy and filled with soft blankets and pillows, took up most of the space, offering a sense of warmth and comfort against the storm outside.

It had been a little over a week since I’d been able to leave Grian's side. Not that I was complaining; Grian was already breathtaking, and seeing him submitted to his instincts made him even more adorable. His genuine confusion at his own actions only added to his charm, making everything he did endearing, whether it made sense or not.

But unfortunately, fantasies have to end. One day, I woke up with a flurry of feathers in my mouth, like normal. He was still asleep, his instincts usually having him wake up at sunrise. Concerned, I made sure he was okay after spitting out the feathers. The storm raged on outside, but inside our little nest, there was a serene, intimate peace.

Grian shifted and looked around, confusion evident in his eyes. "I'll... have to take all this stuff down..." he murmured, nesting being part of his instincts that he somehow repressed. It made my heart break. "Why not leave it up?" I asked, my voice thick with sleep.

He jumped a little and looked around before his eyes landed on me. Yes, I was shirtless—it had been a hot night. I saw his feathers puff up before he threw a blanket over my face. "I shouldn't be nesting," he said, repeating what I could only assume he'd heard before. "It's stupid..." I heard him murmur, sounding very uncomfortable with those words.

I carefully moved the blanket off of my face and sat up slightly, making a sudden chirp come out of him as he didn't expect the movement. "Okay, first of all, sleeping for a week on a normal bed is awful. This whole setup you have," I said, gesturing around the nest, "is beautiful and incredibly comfortable. I didn't think it would be, but it is. Plus, you’ve stashed a lot of shiny trinkets throughout. And look," I said, pointing to some of the light beams that had filtered through the trinkets, creating beautiful rainbows or just a warm mirage of colors. "Look how the light hits them."

Grian's eyes followed where I pointed, and a hesitant smile tugged at his lips. "You really think so?" he asked softly.

"Absolutely," I replied. "This nest is amazing, and it makes you happy. That's all that matters. Embrace it, Grian. It's part of who you are, and there's nothing wrong with that."

Grian ended up settling down next to me again, using his wing to stop me from getting up. I'll admit it was an adorable attempt, and he's just lucky he's genuinely adorable. "Thank you. I really needed to hear that," he mumbled, tracing little patterns on my chest, seeming quite content with how things were now.

Remembering what Mumbo told me about his wings and how Grian would probably be very disoriented after he starts coming back to himself, I gently rubbed his shoulders. I was going to rub his back, but I didn't want to startle him.

There was a soft knock on the door before Mumbo peeked his head in. "Scar? Are you guys okay?" he asked, probably noting how late it was for us to get up. "Yeah," Grian and I both said at the same time, cluing him in almost immediately that Bird Brain was fading and we would get our normal Grian back soon.

"How you feeling, bud?" he asked, clearly directed towards Grian as he walked into the room and looked around.

"Nothing hurts anymore... Where's Grumbot?" Grian said, drawing my attention to him. He had been in pain before and hadn't said anything.

Mumbo just chuckled, looking around the nest a little bit before looking back at us. "He was in here somewhere... Probably got eaten alive by the beautiful nest of blankets," Mumbo commented. It was a bit strange that he didn't just end up lying down with us, as he was still dressed in his pajamas.

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