Bad News

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Grian pov:

I woke up in a lot of pain. Ugh, my head hurts a lot; that dream last night was pretty bad... My muscles are so sore for some reason. I'm so disoriented—what happened yesterday? I can't remember. Moving makes me dizzy. But I had to get up. Where is Grumbot?

"Grumbot?" I asked, looking around.

"Grumbot is here, Dad!" he said, the whirring of his gears accompanying his voice next to the bed.

I could smell something that smells so good. "What's your dad cooking?" I asked, looking at him. Grumbot ran out of the room to check what Mumbo was cooking, his mechanical sounds fading with distance.

I held my head in pain. I tried to push the pain aside so I could look into the Watchers more and the visions I kept getting. I looked around my room for something to help ease the pain, but I couldn't reach anything. I had to get up to check the medicine cabinet in the bathroom. It hurts to move, though.

I wish the sun wasn't in my eyes already; the light hurts my eyes. My wings are so sore... I could hear the sounds of Mumbo and Grumbot talking. The sounds of cooking stopped, and Mumbo and Grumbot started to make their way to my room. I couldn't muster up the magic to make myself look human. I know Mumbo wouldn't let me hear the end of it if he knew that I pushed myself to this point, so I tried to get up, but my limbs felt so heavy, and my wings wouldn't move.

I tried to get up again, but that didn't work out as I made myself dizzier. I just can't move, or I'll make myself sick. Mumbo knocked on the door, but I couldn't find the words to talk. He opened the door and poked his head inside. It was weird—I could see his mouth moving, but I couldn't understand what he was saying.

"What?" I tried to ask, but apparently, it didn't come out right. Mumbo looked confused but then realized what was happening to me. I could see him smiling, trying to hide his chuckle, I would guess. I was annoyed, so I took a pillow and threw it at him. That made him laugh harder.

He stepped out but I could hear him call someone. I don't know why but not having his attention was making me upset so I pushed off the bed and walked over to the door as much as it hurt to do so

Mumbo pov:

I knew it would happen sooner or later. Grian has been trying to repress his avian instincts, and if last night was anything to go by, his instincts got the better of him. Wanting to cuddle with his coworkers was just one hint. I called Scar to let him know to slow down on the information gathering for a bit.

"Hey Scar, I know it's early, but I have to tell you Grian is out of commission for the next week or so," I told him, which made him worry.

"What happened, Mumbo?" Scar asked.

"I should have seen this coming, especially with how tired he was yesterday. He is in a thing I call 'bird brain.' He has been repressing his avian instincts until they overtake him and leave him useless until he comes out of it. At this current moment, he is still trying to figure out why he can't understand me," I explained as I heard a lot of commotion behind the door.

"Please come over... I think I might be bed-bound too. He is a cuddle bug whenever he is like this," I added, a bit of desperation in my voice. I was joking with him about that, but just in case, I did keep Grian's bedroom door shut as I could feel him trying to open it.

"Oh, one more thing, could you stop by my office and get that heating pad? I can tell he is in a lot of pain and will need it. I have a few here, but that would probably not be enough," I commented.

"Sure thing, Mumbo... But I have to ask, why does he have to be so warm?" Scar asked. I could tell he was still just waking up as I heard a can pop open and Jelly meow impatiently.

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