Chapter 35

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Allie and I barreled down the stairs to see Molly bringing the pizzas into the kitchen. I felt like I could not only smell the aroma of the pizza coming down the stairs, but I felt that I could see the aroma trail into the kitchen, if that was even possible. Perhaps I was just very hungry. I piled slice after slice of Canadian bacon and pineapple pizza on my plate and essentially inhaled the pizza. “Jeez, slow down Olivia, you’re going to choke!” Lauren said. “I don’t care, I’m hungry,” I said, my words muffled by a full mouth of pizza. Molly chimed in, “I’m sure she’s hungry, I don’t think she’s eaten much all day. Olivia, when was the last time you ate anything?” I thought to myself, it had been such a long day that I don’t even remember when I last had anything to eat. “I haven’t had anything to eat since I was at the airport. Meredith and I had a quick lunch, and I ate a turkey sandwich while we were waiting for our flight.” I said. “Who is Meredith?” Lauren asked. “Meredith is my adoptive mother…” Molly started to put her finger up like she was about to interject. “…or at least I want her to be.” Molly put her finger down. “So, fill me in, Olivia. How did you end up here? It sounds like you’ve had a pretty rough past couple of days,” Lauren said. I nodded yes. “It’s a pretty long story. So, I’ve been in and out of foster care my entire life. I’ve never really had any parents in my life that I knew of, until I met Meredith last week. So, over a week ago, I walked out of my last foster home and never went back. The place was terrible. Anyway, I was wandering the beach for almost the entire day, and I came across Meredith. She saw me out wandering alone and we talked for a bit. Her husband went out but hadn’t come back. I told her that I was homeless and had nowhere to go. She offered me her hotel room for the night. She found out the next day that her husband had been swept away by the ocean currents and was never seen again. We comforted each other and I realized that we needed each other, she was lonely upon the loss of her husband, and I was starving for a mother figure in my life. Meredith was telling everyone she met that I was her newly adopted daughter. After a week, the search parties were unable to locate her husband, leading us to the events of today. Meredith and I were at the airport set to board a plane home to Chicago, when we were stopped by TSA agents. The agents separated us, as Meredith could not provide proof of adoption, and I could not prove who I was or where I was from. They put me in Molly’s custody, and here we are.”  I said, finishing up my story. Amaya, intrigued by my story, chimed in. “Your mom is going to come back, right?” I smiled hopefully. “I believe she will. I don’t know when, but we’ll see each other again. In fact, the last thing I remember her saying to me while we were being separated was that she was going to come back for me.” Molly looked a bit concerned. “Olivia, can we talk alone for a minute? Let’s go into the office.” Molly guided me to the office and closed the door behind us. “Olivia, I talked with Susan while you were upstairs. I just want to let you know that no matter what, Susan and I are both 100% in support of you. We believe that it is in both you and Meredith’s best interests that both of you stay together. From what I’ve been told, the TSA agents and the police believe Meredith’s story and are willing to let her explore the adoption process.” I smiled, giddy with excitement and happiness. “So that means….” I interrupted. “That….brings us to the bad news. I cannot put you up for adoption at this time,” she continued. “Why is that?” I replied, although I was pretty sure I already knew the answer. “Mike and Susan looked thoroughly through all the databases that they had access to and could find no evidence that you even exist. Technically, you are listed as Jane Doe on my paperwork. I noted that you go by Olivia Marie Foster, however without a birth certificate, there isn’t really much we can do. I’m pretty sure they can dig up a birth certificate or some proof of birth to verify your identity, it just might take a while.” My heart sank. There was no way out. I knew for a fact that I didn’t have a birth certificate. Unless some kind of miracle occurred, I was going to be stuck in this foster home until I turned 18 and aged out. “But….what about Meredith? Is she okay? Where is she? Can I talk to her?” I said, frantically firing off questions rapid fire, desperate for answers, something to give me a semblance of hope. Molly saw that I was visibly distressed, so she leaned in and gave me a hug. “Meredith is okay, you don’t need to worry about her. The TSA investigated her but found no evidence of wrongdoing. They found nothing that indicates that she was trying to kidnap you. She has been cleared of all charges. As for where she is, last I heard she was on a plane back to Chicago,” she replied. “But can I call her? Can I talk to her?” I asked. Molly looked visibly upset. “I’m sorry, I can’t help you there. The county has stressed that there is to be no contact between you and Meredith for the time being. Doing so may, as I’m told, jeopardize the adoption process. Please, do not make any attempt to call her either,” Molly said, giving out a breathy sigh. “Don’t worry, we’ll get this sorted out,” Molly said assuring me. “And in the meantime, I’ll take care of you. I will also keep in touch with Susan in case they do find something.” I smiled shakily. “Thank you, Molly, I really appreciate it,” I said, trying to mask my hopelessness and despair with at least a mild sense of optimism. “Good, now let’s go back and rejoin the girls before they start to get worried,” Molly said as she opened the office door.

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