Chapter 50

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I should have been in more of a celebratory mood. Fourth of July at the Parker household was one of the events that I looked forward to most every year. Grilling was my passion, and I loved hosting every year, and my family, friends, and neighbors loved it as well. Maybe that’s why I loved it so much, the fact that I brought people together and got everyone to socialize and have a great time together. Many of these people that would show up would be people I wouldn’t see throughout the rest of the year, but nonetheless would all have a great time, year in and year out. But among all of this, here I sat at the picnic table, grazing on the veggie tray, anxiously waiting for the multitude of guests to arrive. I was very nervous. Sure, I would be happy to see Stella and Chloe again, but how would I react to Evan? I’d been waiting for this moment for weeks, and it had felt like years. I really had missed him, more than anything. I worried that he may not have felt the same way, that he may have moved on. I sat there, equally parts excited and frightful about the imminent events of the day. “What’s troubling you, dear?” Colleen asked as she sat down next to me. “Not much, just a little bit nervous, that’s all,” I replied casually. “There’s going to be a lot of people here that I don’t know, and…” “Shh….” Colleen interrupted. “It will be just fine. I come here every year, and everyone always has a terrific time. Trust me, you’ll like a lot of people here. Plus, there are Stella’s kids, and some of the neighbors have some of their children come over as well!” she continued. She scooted next to me and took me into her arms. I thought about how much I missed this. I laid on her shoulder as she brushed her hands through my wavy chestnut brown hair. I felt like I did when I was a child, and she was my mother. I felt so warm and loved, and reminded about how much I loved her. “Colleen?” I asked. She perked her head up. “I was just wondering….can I call you grandma?” I continued shakily. Her eyes started to well up. “That would be wonderful, I’ve always wanted a granddaughter!” she replied joyously. We both hugged each other tightly. Our embrace was interrupted by the sound of the screen door opening. Meredith walked out, carrying burger patties, hot dogs, and bratwursts and carried them out to the grill. She turned on the gas as I perked up. I got up out of the chair and walked over to Meredith. “Mom, I can take it from here,” I said, as Colleen got up, alarmed. “Now Olivia, I don’t think you should be working on that grill. It’s too dangerous for a girl your age!” she bellowed. “It’s okay, Grandma. I’ve done a lot of grilling. I actually learned a lot about grilling when I was in foster care! It’s pretty easy, really,” I said casually. Meredith looked overjoyed as she looked at Colleen. “Aww…she’s already calling you Grandma,” she said endearingly. “You know, she’s told me all about how she used to grill for the girls at the foster home, but I haven’t seen what she can do,” she said. Meredith handed me the spatula. “Show me what you’ve got, girl,” she said as we both laughed. As I put the first batch of burgers, brats, and hot dogs on the grill and began to sprinkle on the seasoning, some of the neighbors started to walk into the backyard through the gate. They were carrying gifts and various dishes. They didn’t normally bring over this much food. I eavesdropped on their conversation as Meredith greeted them all. “Meredith, I heard about what happened to Chris, my condolences,” one woman said comfortingly. It sounded like a broken record. Every person that walked in through that gate was saying roughly the same thing to Meredith. And they continued to bring more and more condolence cards and more and more food. I couldn’t understand why they were bringing so much food. Then it dawned on me that they were bringing food in anticipation of Chris’s absence at the grill. They didn’t know that there would be a thirteen-year-old grilling master manning the grill! I started to relay the first items off the grill. “Lunch is served!” I shouted with confidence. As people began to dig in, I began to gather that our guests were enjoying my cooking. “Mmmm!” one woman chimed in. “These burgers taste just like Chris’s!” she continued with her mouth full. “Wow, you’re pretty good at this, Olivia!” another man exclaimed. “Thank you,” I replied with a smile. Colleen looked at me and smiled. “Your father would be awfully proud of you,” she said. Off in the distance I heard a familiar voice. I glanced over at the gate and saw Chloe playfully running in, with Stella following closely behind. “Can you take over, sir?” I asked the man standing next to me. He nodded in reply, as I handed the spatula to him. Before I could even motion to the gate, Chloe charged me. “OLIVIA!!!” she screamed with joy as she rushed towards me. “I missed you so much!” she said as I hugged her tightly. “I missed you too, Chloe,” I replied. “We’ve got so many things to get caught up on,” I continued. “I can’t wait!” she replied. I walked up to Stella as she gave me a warm hug. “I’m so glad you’re home, Olivia,” she said. She put her hands on my shoulders. “Meredith told me all about what happened. You are such a strong little girl,” she continued. I smiled as I hugged her again. “Thanks, Stella,” I said. I looked around. “Where’s Evan?” I asked. Stella smirked as she replied. “Evan…. why do you ask?” She and Meredith tried to suppress their laughter. I knew why they were laughing, however at this point, I really didn’t mind. I know that I had Meredith’s approval of Evan and I, reluctant as it was. I’m sure Stella felt the same way. I don’t think they knew how much we loved each other, however. Stella, trying to keep her composure, replied, “He’s just gathering a couple of boxes. He'll be here soon….and there he is,” she said as not even a moment later Evan walked through the gate, two boxes in hand. “Evan!” I shouted as I walked toward him, the boxes obscuring his face. “Olivia? Is that you?” he replied, not being able to see my face past the boxes he was carrying. I grabbed one of the boxes and he set the other on the ground. I launched myself into his arms. I looked into his eyes happily. Upon seeing the smile grow on his face, I instantly felt butterflies. I could feel my heart pumping seismically. I buried my face in his chest, tears started to gush out of my eyes as I began to speak. “I missed you so much, Evan……I didn’t….I didn’t think I’d ever see you again,” I said tearfully. “I know, me too,” Evan replied. “I……I….I……” he stammered. “You what?” I replied inquisitively. “I thought about you every day you were gone. I mean, you’re really cool, and I….I don’t know……I haven’t really been myself since you’ve been gone,” he said hesitantly. I smiled and held his hands. “I know….it’s tough……..everything you’ve been through. Losing Chris, and then losing me,” he looked at me, then looked away, shielding himself from showing me the tears forming in his eyes. “Evan,” I said, squeezing his hands as I stared intensely into his eyes. “You don’t have to be all tough around me. It’s okay. Whatever you’re going through, I’m here for you,” I said warmly. He looked back at me and squeezed me fiercely. It actually hurt a little, but I felt overjoyed to be in his arms. “I’m so glad you’re back here with me,” he said shakily. “This……is exactly where I belong,” I said with a smile on my face. He smiled at me in return. He held my hand as we walked toward the back of the backyard, next to the bean bag setup and the badminton net. “So, my mom told me a little bit while you were gone. What all happened? Are you okay?” he asked. I laughed silently. “I’m okay, better than ever right now. We spent the day after you left working with the search parties, trying to find Chris. After we couldn’t locate him, my mom and I went to the airport to come home, as there really wasn’t anything else we could do. When we got to the airport, the staff there got suspicious of my mom and I. They asked my mom for paperwork. It turns out…. that something about the adoption paperwork was sketchy, and without any paperwork, that’s when they… “Took you away,” Evan interjected. I nodded in reply. “It was really scary,” I continued, “They put me in a room and interrogated me for hours. They were even meaner to my mom. They accused her of kidnapping me!” Evan’s eyes were wide. I could tell that he was enthralled by my story. “They kept getting on me, saying I was lying about my identity. I honestly didn’t know who I truly was, I lived in foster homes almost my entire life, no birth certificate on file, no proof that I even existed! So, they had no choice but to put me in ANOTHER foster home,” I said. “Ugh, I’m so sorry you had to go through all that,” Evan said empathetically. “Don’t feel too bad. I mean, I was worried that I would never see my mom again, and never see you again, but they put me in a very lovely home, with girls around my age that were really nice. I made some really good friendships there, and I….and I….” I was distracted watching Meredith in the distance greeting some new guests that just arrived. They looked familiar, and then I bolted toward them once I realized who they were. “Olivia? Hey wait up!” Evan yelled as I ran toward Meredith. As I drew closer, I was surprised to see that my eyes did not deceive me. I couldn’t believe it. It was Molly and the girls! Allie shrieked loudly when she saw me running towards her. She met me halfway and lunged at me as we both embraced tightly. “Allie! What are all of you doing here?!” I exclaimed as Molly, Meredith, and the others joined us. “Well, let’s just say a good friend pulled some strings to get us here,” Allie said as she looked at Meredith and smirked. Meredith said nothing, just smiled at me and winked. Lauren and Amaya both took turns hugging me. “I’ve never been to Chicago!” Amaya said excitedly. “Long time no see,” Lauren said. “I’m so glad to see you girls! So…..surprised… see you girls!” I replied, hardly able to contain my excitement. “Olivia, are these….” Even began to say. “Yes, these are my friends from the foster home in Florida. This is Molly, and this is Lauren, and this is Allie,” I said, as Allie reached out and shook Evan’s hand. “So, this is your knight in shining armor, Olivia? You did good, girl,” Allie joked as she playfully elbowed me in the ribs. “Uhh…..Hi….Allie,” Evan said, starting to blush. “Hey, where’d Amaya go?” I asked. Lauren pointed out Amaya and Chloe chasing each other around the backyard. “Looks like she’s already made a new friend!” Lauren said cheerfully. I smiled, watching Chloe and Amaya play together. It was wonderful to see them having a good time together. “So…..I hear there was going to be some fireworks?” Allie asked. Evan smiled. “Got them right here,” he said slyly, opening one of the boxes he brought with him. “This was Chris’s stash of fireworks he got from Wisconsin,” he said. I shuddered. “Hey, those are m…..” I said as I restrained myself. “Those are Mighty Cat roman candles!” I yelled, covering my tracks as I grabbed one. “Here, let’s each have one,” Evan said as he handed one out to each of us. “Here’s to new beginnings and new adventures,” Evan said as he lit all our fuses, and we watched our roman candles pop into the air.

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