"Pure and True"

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I will never apologize for being who I am,
A heart sincere, no masquerade, no sham.
I'm not Prince Charming in a fairy tale,
But genuine in truth, where love prevails.

No dance around the bush, no hidden play,
For life is fleeting, like the break of day.
In treating others as I wish to be,
I find the essence of true harmony.

I love with fervor, a passion deep and pure,
A soul's vibration, steadfast and sure.
No regrets linger, no sorrows confide,
For in my heart's truth, I take pride.

So let the world see, in clear, open light,
A love unyielding, in day and in night.
I am who I am, and I stand true,
With love as my guide, I offer to you.

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