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sorry for another short chapter! i promise longer ones are on the way, they just take forever to write/edit! song of the chapter is: BLENDER by 5SOS.

I got out of bed, my alarm going off but only this time it wasn't at 7:30 am for work, but rather 4:30 am for a flight. A very exciting flight back to London, where I would be meeting Claire and all of the team, doing final stage run-throughs, and rehearsals. We were also set to record a couple of songs in a 'stripped down' way, like a Vevo session. Niall was to be releasing the videos before the first show set in a week in Ireland, Claire had been telling me. There was barely a minute of the day we hadn't been texting recently, she wanted to make sure everything was perfect. I had everything packed before this morning, my camera equipment all in one big duffel bag, my clothes, shoes, and everything else I would need was in a separate suitcase. An incredibly large suitcase. I carried with me a simple black tote bag with only my essentials, taking it with me to the Uber I had called after making myself a coffee. I lugged everything into his boot, the driver helping me with my large bag, and I was off. I had given Ashlee a spare key once again, making sure she watered my plants occasionally. But my apartment was overall low maintenance, and I said goodbye to it as if it could hear me. It would be a long 10 months before I'd be back, but I was filled with nothing but jitters and excitement. Even if it was 4 am.

I arrived at the airport, once again scanning my boarding pass but being less surprised when it was first class again. I texted both Claire and Ashlee, letting them know I was getting on the plane. I fiddled with my thumbs over the conversation with Claire, letting her know I was excited to see her before the thought of Niall crossed my mind. He started strong when we left for our two weeks of downtime, however, his messages became fewer and fewer as the days went on. I convinced myself at first that it was because of the time difference, but then came to the more rational (but truthfully hurtful) conclusion that he was just not interested. I had to imagine that his years of touring and fame had led him to the life of a stud, I thought. That was all our interaction was, I had to repeatedly remind myself. Even if his intentions were great and his words were thoughtful, he didn't see anything worth pursuing. It was too risky, too controversial. I tried not to take it personally. As the messages dwindled, the delusion of mine piped up temporarily. I tried to focus on my jobs, and the important matters at hand. Madeline and I came to an agreement that I would do exclusively remote work, only scheduling meetings when absolutely necessary to either of us, as the many different time zones would make it difficult for us to meet together. I smiled as I remembered that I signed two contracts within 3 days. It was really insane to me, how my life had panned out within the last month or two. It felt like I was being handed opportunities one after the other, I never wanted the feeling of bliss to end.

My flight was long but felt short. I took advantage of each amenity once again, relishing the feeling of first class. I don't think I'd ever get used to it, to be honest. It wasn't long before I was drowsy, walking my way off the plane to collect my bags. Once again Claire was standing at the terminal, a sign with my name on it but this time her sign was covered in hearts. Red hearts she drew with her lipstick. I laughed, walking up to her and hugging her,

"Not that I'm not grateful, but it kinda looks like we're lesbians or something." I laughed, referring to the immense amount of hearts on the sign. She gasped, genuinely feeling a bit embarrassed,

"Oh god... that wasn't my intention..." She muttered, folding the sign as I patted her arm, in a gesture to show her I was joking. We both laughed again as she yelled, "We're not lesbians!" I burst into a roar of laughter even louder. I was bent over, holding my stomach as I hugged her half-mindedly,

"It's good to be back again." I sighed.

"Well, this is your first time on tour. So you're not back, just here." She corrected, "But I'm incredibly happy to have you here." She added. I smiled,

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