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writing is keeping me sane rn but at the same time I can't focus to write new chapters so enjoy an older one as I attempt to get my shit together xx song of the chapter is call it what you want by taylor swift! (not necessarily all the lyrics, I just think the song sounds beautiful with this chapter)

We spent the next day rushing as an entire team to the airport, rolling up in cars together with as many people and bags that could fit. We all were up in the front of the plane, not first class but as good as money could buy to seperate us from the other passengers as much as possible. Being directed to the front of the plane last was a new, interesting process. I got told it was to avoid the public and potential fans who had followed or stalked Niall to the airport. They load him up last and remove him first, but since we were all his crew we came as a package deal, meaning we were all doing the same. I sat next to Claire on the plane and another random person from Niall's crew that I had come to know a bit more as time went on. He kept quiet though, his AirPods in the second we were all sat and situated, I bit my lip as guilt came through, knowing Claire and I were probably about to talk his ear off for the duration of the flight.

It was only about an hour or so in the air, landing promptly and being directed off the plane immediately. Claire and I surprisingly didn't talk as much as I thought. We talked a bit but took the time to rest, as I'm sure it would be necessary for the night that was to come.

Opening night.

It was an incredible achievement, Niall's first sold-out opening night show. I had barely said more than 2 words to him since last night, we all met early in the morning to drive to the airport to arrive in Belfast several days before his first show. Even though I hadn't said much to him, it didn't take a genius to tell that he was literally glowing. Every time I looked at him there wasn't even a hint of nerves, just gleaming with happiness and excitement. It was a shock for me that even after performing for what felt like most of his lifetime, that he didn't get nerves. Especially performing by himself to a sold-out show on opening night. Wishing I knew what it felt like, it had to be incredible. The feeling of creating music from nothing, only to perform it to thousands of people who enjoyed hearing it just as much as you loved creating it, it had to feel amazing. The more I thought about it, the more I understood why he was just so happy.

On the other hand, I took the nerves from him it seemed. I was shitting my pants, my hands started to shake if I thought about it too long. I had deliverables, yes, but they wouldn't be due on my first night, which I was incredibly grateful for. I also had a soundcheck to attend with Niall and his band, a practice run of sorts.

Each member of Niall's crew that traveled with us once again took cars together back to the hotel. Even though I knew Niall wasn't specifically from Belfast, it had to feel great knowing his opening night would still be in his home country. I wondered what he had planned for the week, the calm before the storm. He didn't let me wonder, because he was beginning to text me the second we reached our hotel rooms and my bags hit the floor. Claire was perfectly content with resting, and said that compared to other cities we'd visit, Belfast and Ireland in general weren't ever really her favourite. It was known for the pubs, and although she wasn't averse to drinking, she said the whole vibe was just too far removed from the excitement she was looking for. We'd probably go drinking again, but for now, she just encouraged me to leave the hotel with Niall or anyone else who offered, as being stuck in a room would make me feel claustrophobic if I did it for too long. A feeling she kindly reassured me would be present throughout the entire tour.

It was barely warm enough to do anything fun, though. If I was leaving the house I don't think I could get through an evening without alcohol to warm me up from the inside. Niall surprised me, though. He invited me out once again, this time he let me choose what to do.

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