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a very short initial chapter to introduce you all to the characters (some recurring). enjoy!

A day like most others, where all I had planned was to work, eat, sleep, and if I was lucky, maybe write something. I had been trying to write my article to show my boss, and maybe, finally, start moving up. All I had been doing at this job for god knows how long, was editing other people's work. Whether I was editing the horribly written pieces for our daily journal or the photos to go with it, I had always felt inferior, knowing I could do better. I was hired for my expertise and eye for error, and also for knowing exactly what our customers had an eye for, but always knew I could do more. I completed a photography course, however, I hadn't practiced in a long, long time. Everything I was doing barely even scratched the surface of my extremely hard and costly marketing and journaling degree. I was sitting quietly in my office, when a coworker gently tapped my shoulder, indicating me to remove my headphones.

"I think Madelyn is gonna chat to you soon. I heard her talking to someone else about it before." She paused, her face scrunched between her eyes as she searched her mental file cabinet for the correct assortment of words, "I think it was something about photography." She said.

"Why would she want to talk to me about that?" I wondered aloud. Ashlee shrugged at me. "I hope it's not because my first draft is late, she knows that's not my fault, surely?" I questioned, adjusting my gaze towards the mixed group of people, who all sat at a brightly colored table. They stared at each other's work plastered onto the TV that was hung onto the world's most obnoxiously "New York editorial" inspired decorations attached to the wall, being held together by thumbtacks and a dream:

"The only time my work is ever late is 'cause of those pretentious douchebags." I gestured towards the table of our writers, which most of our team was comprised of. I looked at them at the perfect time to receive and return one of the fakest of smiles from their department head - a man named Nolan which I despised with every fiber of my being. I shrugged my head at no one in particular and got back to work before I made myself too angry. I continued editing one of the shittiest articles written by our team, trying to be nice. But, you can only be so nice, and it doesn't get you very far. I also don't get paid to be nice. Once I had finished the article, I pulled the featured photos and blew them up. I admired, then began editing those too, now. I don't get paid for that, and in fact, we have an entire team dedicated to doing exactly that. However, I was trying my hardest to refresh my skills in case one day soon I worked up enough courage to ask for a promotion, a change of scenery, or anything to excite the dull, repetitive life I was living. When I was first hired, it was with the intention that I would eventually use my photography experience and qualifications. However, that promise had yet to be fulfilled. As I continued editing our most recent shoot, I pulled off my headphones to a gentle knock on my door from Madeline herself.

She smiled warmly at me, "Hey, Daphne, is it okay if I talk to you quickly?" I nodded and gestured inside as she shut my office door, Ashlee leaving quietly from our shared office to leave us alone together. She sighed, "So, I've been thinking," She started, and with her pause, my mind immediately started to run. But I had to think logically. My work was good, my attitude wasn't great, but nothing that bad that would warrant this conversation being her firing me.

"Would you be interested in a photographer and editor gig?" She cleared her throat, "I know we haven't had you on the photographer side of things, but I've been seeing your editing work, and I've gotta say, I really like it!" She smiled, "It works amazing with our image, our goal, everything." She paused for a second, I could feel a smile plastered all over my face, "...And I remembered on your resumé that it was a strong desire of yours?" She questioned lightly. I swear my body started tingling at the thought. I felt like I was experiencing a mild whiplash from the difference in what I thought this conversation was going to be, and what was happening.

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