The Butterfly Man Becomes a Big Pain in the Arse

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The air was cold and silent. Stars still twinkled in the night sky, the comfort of the sun's light nowhere to be found. No trace of the familiar noise and chatter of the bustling city.

A woman walked across the cobblestone streets alone, with only the glow of the street lamps lighting her way. A tablet was tucked securely under her arm.

She approached the large building with purpose, looking both ways before unlocking the double doors. Cold air from outside mixed with the musty warmth from inside.

She walked to the farthest end of the room, briskly scanning the walls. She made a bee-line for the lone display case that stood on top of a raised platform. She pushed up the glasses on her nose, before opening the glass compartment. She brought out the tablet she had carried with her, looking back and forth between the screen and the artifact that rested in the case. She reached out, cautiously touching it with her fingertips.

A soft gasp escaped her lips. She put a hand to her ear, eyes still trained on the sparkling object.

"Sir, you were right. This just might be what you need to defeat Ladybug and Chat Noir."


When Percy came to, he was sprawled on the ground. His head throbbed, and he coughed up dust. A ceiling beam had collapsed. Bits of cement and concrete littered the once pristine floors. For a moment, everything was silent. Until the sound of screams and rushed footsteps filled his ears. Someone suddenly yanked him upwards by the arm, slinging it over their shoulder and dragging him to a standing position. The familiar jolt of electricity from the contact of their skin told him who it was. It took a few seconds for his legs to work, and he barely processed the words Thalia was yelling at him. He shook his head to wake himself up. Other museum goers ran alongside them in a panic.

"Why are we running?" Was all he managed to say. His throat felt like a desert.

The man who ran ahead of them screamed. A golden rope had coiled around his leg and he was brought to the ground. The rope went taut, and he was dragged backwards across the museum floors, disappearing from view. That was all Percy needed to run faster. The people around them dropped like flies, kicking and screaming as they were dragged away.

He dove behind a pillar and tried to catch his breath. Thalia crouched behind the pillar adjacent to him. She held her spear in one hand and her shield in the other. She looked over her shoulder, her eyebrows furrowing.

Percy uncapped Riptide, and peered behind the pillar. More people sped past. More people were taken down and pulled away. In the distance, someone laughed gleefully. A bone chilling sound against all the terrified screams.

He froze, feeling the burn at the back of his skull again.
Thalia yelped, and her shield clattered to the floor. Losing her balance, she fell to the ground with an oomph. She slid against the marble tiling, forcefully being tugged away by the ankle. She grabbed onto the pillar and muttered a string of curses, struggling to cut herself free. Percy quickly slashed at the rope, and it recoiled, strangely hissing like a serpent. Thalia dropped to the ground with a huff. She blew the hair out of her face and pushed herself up. Without warning, she threw her spear in Percy's direction, barely giving him time to move out of the way. The spear's pointed tip pinned the end of a golden rope to the wall. It wriggled against the metal, like a worm on a hook.

"Mother of Zeus, what is going on?!?"


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