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Eleanor 🎀

I grab my overnight clothes and a tote bag to put my stuff in. My phone chimes, so I take it out to see who has texted me. It's Conrad. I can't help but smile a little as I swipe to open the message.

Four hours away
Just made it to CT
Passed NYC
I'm here

I shut my door quietly because my mom, Steven, and Belly were all sleeping. I told Belly I was going to Isla's house because if she found out that I kissed Conrad again and I was seeing him, she wouldn't like that. I run down the stairs and open the door to see Conrad's Range Rover parked outside.

"Hiii," I say as I open the door.

"Hey," he replies, a smile spreading across his face.

"I can't believe you're here," I say, feeling a mix of excitement and disbelief.

"Yeah, me either," he says, shaking his head slightly as if he's still processing it himself.

"Are you hungry, cold, tired?" I ask, wanting to make sure he's comfortable.

"I'm perfect," he says, tapping on the passenger seat, gesturing for me to sit next to him. "You didn't bring a coat," Conrad observes as he starts to take his jacket off.

"I'm not cold," I say to him, but he still hands me his jacket and I put it on. It smells like him, a mix of ocean air and something distinctly Conrad.

"Want to go to the beach?" Conrad asks.

"Yeah!" I say, my face lighting up. A trip to the beach is something I would never turn down.

We drive in comfortable silence, the night air cool but not biting. The streets are quiet, and it feels like we're the only ones awake in the world. Conrad's hand rests casually on the gear shift, and I find myself glancing over at him, feeling a warmth that has nothing to do with his jacket.

"Thanks for being here," I whisper.

"Always," he says softly.

I take the bus to Brown, the steady hum of the engine doing little to calm my nerves. I hope Belly doesn't come. I can't face them both. I don't even know why I agreed to this. The last thing I want to do right now is see Jeremiah's face, but I'm going to see him. Ugh.

I sit by the window, watching the landscape blur past, but my mind is elsewhere, replaying every moment that led to this. The betrayal, the hurt—it all feels fresh and raw. I grab my phone and begin to text Isla, needing a distraction.

Hey, on the bus to Brown.
Wish you were here.

I type out quickly. As I hit send, I notice my hands are shaking slightly.

The bus makes a few stops along the way, each one bringing me closer to the confrontation I'm dreading. The closer we get, the more I can feel the tension building inside me. My heart races, and I try to take deep breaths to calm myself, but it doesn't help much.

I stare out the window, hoping the scenery will distract me. Trees, houses, and other vehicles pass by, but my thoughts keep circling back to Jeremiah and what happened. How could he do this to me? And with Belly, of all people?

A notification buzzes, and I see a reply from Isla

You'll be okay.
You've got this.
Call me if you need to talk.

All too well ² // the fisher brothers Where stories live. Discover now