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The entire time the two of them were out, Kai had made it rather clear just how much he cherished the young brunette female. Rose on the other hand wasn't used to the pampering that Kai did with her. She hated that she had compare Kai to the bastard that was paid to be around her by her mother. But it was the only other relationship that she had and she didn't know how a man was supposed to treat a lady like herself. So going off the only other relationship she had which was utter shit made her feel like utter shit knowing that Kai was truly trying to make things work between the two of them.

Kai noticed just how down Rose was and he took her hands within his. "What's gotten you so down Rose?" He inquired concerned

She let out a small sigh as she frowned before she looked up into his golden eyes. "This entire time...I've been trying so damn hard not to compare you to my shit ex...but my mind won't stop doing so. You two are nothing a like and I know that-but my stupid brain? Yeah...it likes to do the stupid and compare people no matter how different they are."

"I understand why your mind does it. You've only ever known that bastard who was forced to marry you, while you are with me on your own terms. I'm aware that I'm treating you a lot better than you've ever been treated by that asshole. You don't need to feel bad about it, I want you to do so. I want to know just how much better I am being than he is."

Her ruby eyes looked at him utterly stunned before she held his hands slightly tight as she moved herself closer to him. "Now why would you want me to compare a gentleman like you to a sleazy asshole like him?"

"I want to know just what I have to do to make sure that you never leave me for anyone else. I want to know just how much effort do I have to do just to keep you at my side, without any type of repercussions of wanting to back out of what we will build together." Kai said lowly to her

"Marry me, keep my libido fed so I don't end up being a cranky, bitchy woman and give me attention when you're not working. That's all you'll have to do. As long as you show that you are still interested in me and only me I will always be yours and just yours." Rose spoke just as lowly to him

Hearing her words he crashed his lips onto hers, his actions startled her a bit-but she kissed him back happily as she felt his hands go from being laced with hers to pulling her closer to him so their was no space between them. Rose placed her hands against his chest as she looked at him flustered as he parted from her lips. "Rose you are mine and only mine, This relationship isn't just because of the debt that my group owes to your family. Ever since I met you and was able to talk to you, I knew that you were the woman I wanted to have in my life. I love you so much, nothing and no one will ever make me want to leave you."

Hearing his words made her feel flustered as she looked up at him. "Y-You know...F-For a mafia boss you are rather flirtatious."

Kai let out a small chuckle. "Only to the woman that I love and adore so much. Which just so happens to be you Rose."

She averted her eyes hearing him speak, she didn't know what to say to him in return for what he had said to her. Kai knew he had caught her off guard and let out a small chuckle amused at the flustered look upon her face. "You know you look so adorable when you look so flustered like you are right now, I've never seen you look so vulnerable like you are now." He said with an amuse tone to his voice

Rose instantly placed her head against his chest making him laugh as he laced one of his hands through her brown hair as he petted the back of her head softly. Rose hated that he was teasing her so much out in public, she wasn't used to the type of affection he was giving her, she was used to dealing with aggressive hateful slurs being placed at her and fighting for her life in a relationship. Not the type of skin ship and relationship she was getting with Kai-it was something she didn't know if it was a good or bad thing that she had with him. 

[COMPLETE] More That Just A Debt [Chisaki Kai Love story] Arrange Marriage AuWhere stories live. Discover now