27. "I just want to be with you"

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"I need to take off my makeup, I'm getting lazy now. Don't forget to do yours." I joked and pointed to the girls who nodded but didn't move a muscle. I shrugged and got up. I won't force them. After our covers were done, we watched a movie that Changbin recommended, and Vic made us popcorn.

As I got up, I reached for Chan's hand that rested on my hip and intertwined our fingers, pulling him up with me. He got up without hesitation and walked behind me to my room. Ignoring the whistling and jokes from everyone and loud laughter as Chan flipped them off, I closed my door.

As the door closed, he pulled on my hand, still holding his, and kissed me deeply. He kissed me as if it were our last kiss. His hand moved down my back and under my butt as he lifted me up, causing my legs to wrap around his waist, and I gasped when I felt him against me. He started moving, and the next thing I knew, my back was on the soft mattress, and he was on top of me. Pulling my mouth away, I looked up at him. His face flushed and eyes wide with the excitement I could feel against me. I moved my hands up and ran it through his hair as he smiled brightly at me.

"I missed you." He whispered. My already racing heart skipped a beat as I bit my lip. His eyes moved down before meeting mine again.

"I missed you too. So much." I brushed my thumb over his eyebrow, and he relaxed, causing his full weight on top of me as he groaned, closing his eyes for a brief second before looking up at me again.

As I was about to apologize that I'm making him wait even longer, he spoke. "I want to take you out. On a date again. We only had two." He scanned my face, and I unclasped my legs, and he rolled off, laying next to me. I turned on my side as he did, so we were facing each other.

"Three actually. The third one was at the hotel. Before you left." My heart broke thinking of that time we thought we'd never see each other again. When I thought it was the end. He put his hand on my back and pulled me closer so I was flush against him, and he kissed my forehead.

"And I promise that won't ever happen again. I will do everything in my power to prevent it." I smiled and closed my eyes as I snuggled against his chest.

"But are you sure? You're an idol. And I know we managed it once. But now your fans know us and already got us. Would it be wise?" My voice was shaky as I spoke, suddenly remembering the hatred and anger I got from the girls after our first encounter with their fans.

"Good point. Then we'll find a way. Because I want to spend alone time with you that's not stolen moments or late nights when we're both tired from work." He kissed the top of my head again as sudden tears began forming.

"I'd love that." I leaned up and kissed him.

"I'm sorry I can't just take you out. Or just go watch a movie or play mini golf or something. I'm sorry we have to keep inside." He whispered, his voice full of sadness and anger. I got up and turned to him.

"Hey. I knew about this the moment I gave you my number. I didn't expect dates because I know you'd want to keep things private. And especially now, I know how your fans are, and I am not mad. I'm not disappointed or anything. I honestly don't care about any of that." I reached over and took his hand in mine, kissing his palm.

"All I actually care about is that I get to spend time with you. Whether it's only late nights or just moments like now. I just... " Iet out a huge sigh as I smiled. "I just want to be with you, Chan."


"Felix. My mom sent me a recipe for brownies. Do you want to try it out?" I asked. After Chan and I spoke and then kissed some more, I finally took my makeup off, and we came back.

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