Tutoring Part 2: 05

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Lily's POV:

Today I was having my first tutoring session with Newt. I was kind of nervous that he would judge me or think badly of me for how stupid I can be when it comes to math. But I mean it's Newt I don't think having trouble with numbers would make him see me that differently. 

I brushed some lint off of my jeans and took a deep breath before walking into The Greenhouse, the little cafe where we chose to meet up and also my workplace. I love working here to be honest, the plants and atmosphere are really calming and Mary and Vince my bosses are super kindhearted people. I also love working with one of my friends Frypan and being first to try all his new recipes which always taste divine.

I take a look around and feel a bit more relaxed when I see Newt hasn't arrived yet. I see Mary waving me over with a smile, so I go greet her. 

"Lily! Good to see you, how was school today?" 

"Hi Mary, it was just the usual. I'm meeting here with Newt for a study session actually. How's your day been?" I reply, my eyes scanning over the customers in case I missed somehow missed Newt's golden hair. 

"It's been a lovely day today, suns out. Although a lot of customers have been quite sick. Apparently, there's a new strain of flu called the flare going around. Nasty business." She shakes her head in reply.

"Oh, that's not good. It is coming up to flu season now." I can feel the anxious feeling start to grow in my gut. 

Hopefully I don't get sick, can't risk passing it on to Mum.  

"Yes, oh look there's Newt!" 

I turn around and see Newt, instantly forgetting my worries. Seeing him kind of does that for me. He's got a calming presence just like Sonya. Maybe it's a British thing? Or just an Isaacs thing. I feel the smile on my face and lift my hand in greeting.

I watch Newt walk over and notice he's limping slightly more than usual but just as I'm about to ask if he's okay Vince appears beside Mary. 

"Newt, Lily! Good to see you, you've stopped by for some pastries on your day off Lil?" Vince asks, his voice echoing throughout the little cafe. I try not to laugh as I see two older ladies startle and almost spill their tea, shooting Vince dirty looks. He doesn't seem to notice and continues to obliviously pack up some tarts in a takeaway container. 

"Pastries, drinks and studying," I reply with a wry smile. 

"Ah good, study hard kids, make your parents proud and whatnot. Well, good seeing you but I'm off to deliver some raspberry custard tarts to old Martha Doyle. She's been sick the last few days, some new strain of flu apparently." He gives us a nod, kisses Mary's forehead and walks out the door. 

Their relationship is so cute, I know they're married already but I ship them. I'm glad they've found each other. I wonder if I'll ever have that with someone. A soft sort of relationship where your each other's best friends, and just go about your lives together. 

Forehead kisses sound so nice right now.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts of my nonexistent relationship by Mary asking what we'd like to order. 

"Newt what do you feel like?" I ask, watching him look at the different baked goods. A strand of hair falling in front of his eyes, and I'm tempted to push it away for him. I quickly shake my head as though it will help me banish the thought and get back to the matter at hand.

The struggles of choosing which dessert you want are real. 

"Er, well Vince made those raspberry custard tarts sound good, so I'll have one of them and a large caramel latte. What about you Lil?"

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