Tutoring Part 1: 04

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Newts POV:

I was surprised when the student Mr. Phillips wanted me to tutor was Lily. I knew she struggled a bit in math, but I never thought it was enough to need a tutor. I was slightly disappointed she didn't feel comfortable enough to ask me for help on her own. Although I know she's never been the sort of person to ask for help when she needs it. 

I was walking to The Greenhouse the local cafe Lily worked at for our first tutoring session. It sat along the main street with the perfect view of the beach. It had big glass windows and a glass roof at the front of the shop and was filled with plants. Mostly just green leafy ones, I suppose because people can have allergies to flowers. Either way it's got a bunch of good semiprivate nooks perfect for studying so we chose to meet up there. As well as really delicious pastries thanks to Frypan, one of our friends who works there as an apprentice baker. 

"Newt!" a familiar voice called out from behind me. 

"Hey Tommy, what's up?" 

Thomas ran up to me panting for breath. 

"Man, you walk pretty fast for someone with a limp, I had to run up that whole hill to catch up to you. Are you deaf or something? I've been yelling out to you, but you seemed completely oblivious!" 

"Ah, sorry I was just thinking." 

"What're you thinking about that's got you so invested?" 

I can feel the heat rush to my face. I can't exactly tell him I was thinking about Lily he'd get the wrong idea and I don't want to tell anyone about the tutoring yet in case she doesn't want other people to know. She seemed pretty embarrassed earlier and that was just in front of me. 

I mean it's not like I was thinking about her in a weird way. 

"Newt?" Thomas repeated, "You okay their dude?" 

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine just still thinking a bit you know."

Oh gosh that wasn't suspicious in any way whatsoever. I mean I was just thinking about Lily. That's not weird she's my friend, and my sister's best friend. So why did I suddenly get so awkward. She's Tommy's friend too he probably thinks about her sometimes. 


"Just a bit of everything, you know?"

Yes, vagueness was definitely the way to go, so much less suspicious. 

I mentally face palm myself. 

Why am I being so awkward? 

"Right," Thomas nods his head solemnly, a telltale sign he doesn't believe me. "Well, I was heading to the arcade with Minho, Ben and Fry and we were wondering if you wanted to join us?" 

"I would but I've already got plans," I reply with a little shrug.

Totally nonchalant. 

A slight frown crosses Thomas's face, it's not really like me to say no to plans.

"Oh okay, what sort of plans?"

"Er, well."

Lily and I are friends. Meeting up with your friends isn't weird. 

"I'm going to The Greenhouse with Lily to study."

Thomas's eyebrows raise slightly, and he shoots me an amused smirk.

"With Lily. Just Lily? We're talking about our Lily, right? Lily Parks? How come you guys didn't invite the whole group to study? Or was there a reason you wanted it to be just you two?"

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