Salt therapy: 01

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Running on the beach every morning is like therapy to me. Running in general is but there's something about running on the beach that's just so calming, it's like I go into a trance. The waves crashing, sand moving beneath my feet, the smell of the salt air. It's so peaceful, calm, quiet- 


And just as I was thinking how quiet it was, I collide with some sort of wall and fly backwards. 

"What the-"

"Oi, watch where you're going slinthead!" 

Hang on I know that voice. I stare at the sky trying to remember how to make coherent sentences, when someone's fingers start snapping in my face.

"Lilyyyy, Lils, Lilipop, Lilipad? Are you dead? Blink twice if your dead?"

Finally, my brain starts working again as I stare back at one of my best friends Minho, who has now decided I'm dead and need to be slapped back to life.

"Shuck off mate, she's just gone through the equivalent of a car crash running into you let her bloody get up." 

I glanced behind Minho and saw Newt. Newt is my friend and my best friend's brother, and basically the most dreamy person in this town with his adorable British accent.  Although none of my guy friends are really bad looking I guess, they've all kind of  got something going for them in the looks department. Newt looks quite angelic this morning though with the sun glinting off his blonde locks lighting them up like some kind of halo. He's watching me with an amused smile when I realized I'm staring and he asked me a question. 

"Sorry what?"

"I asked if you were alright?" he laughs.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine?"

"Welllll, are you gonna get up shuckface?" 

"No Minho, I planned to lay here all morning, it's quite nice don't ya know. Of course I'm not gonna stay here! Give me a hand will you?"

"Well someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed."

Minho reached down to help me up laughing as I spat out sand and grumbled something unintelligible. I study my surroundings for a minute trying to figure out what part of the beach I'm on and how long it will take me to get back home so I can make it to school on time. When I look back at Newt and Minho I see them eating breakfast they're hair still wet from their morning surf. Wait surf? Newt hasn't been surfing since... well a long time now. 

"Did you guys go surfing?" I questioned watching Newt to gauge his reaction. 

"Nah we decided to bring our boards out for a tea party, whaddya think shank?" Minho deadpanned while Newt just chuckled at our antics. 

"Yeah, I've been trying to get back into it, Minho's been helping me out. You should join us tomorrow morning we'll be back out there." 

I hummed in response. To be honest I was trying not to smile, I'm glad Newt's back out there everyone's been really worried for him since the... accident a year ago. 

"No that's okay I prefer my morning runs, the waters freezing in the morning." 

Actually, usually Minho runs with me in the mornings I was getting kind of annoyed with how he kept bailing on me, but I don't really mind as much now. He probably wanted Newt to tell me in his own time, and Newt doesn't know about our running arrangement I'm glad about that cos he might not have asked Minho surfing if he did. 

"Are ya gonna sit down, we've got some extra food, I figured ya might show up," Minho asked. I could feel him studying me and it was clear he wanted to say something more so I agreed.

We all sat happily munching on some fruit, and granola bars as we watched the sun rise and the world slowly wake up. After about ten minutes of conversation on useless topics we decided to head off saying our see you laters as Newt went one way, Minho and I the other. 

I could feel Minho watching me still, as I studied him out of the corner of my eye I could see his mouth keep opening and shutting trying to figure out how to say it.

"Spit it out shank." 


" I said spit it out, it's obvious you want to say something so what is it? Is it bad? I've never seen you lost for words before, the only reason I can think of is if it's something bad. Did someone die? Oh my gosh are YOU dying? Minho! I'll miss you so much." I laughed as I pretended to wipe tears away, knowing my ranting will get him to relax enough to tell me. 

"No ya shank, I'm not dying, no ones dying, nothing bad is happening!" He chuckled slapping me on the back of the head. 

"I just wanted to say sorry for ditching with running, I shoulda told you but I wasn't sure if Newt wanted to tell anyone and didn't feel like it was right to ask just yet, ya know. I knew he would tell you in his own time or you'd run into us. I still wanna join you for runs though sometimes, we can't have you getting too big of a head with no one out racing you everyday." 

Awww Minho's just a softie who wants to take care of his friends. You'd never know though with the way he acts, he's not really a feelings person he's more of a I'll wack you upside the head but affectionately because I secretly not so secretly care about you but don't want it to be too obvious. 

"Yeah it's all good, but what do you mean out running me? I seem to remember it being the other way around?"

" Nah that fall this morning must of mucked up your memories cos I remember pretty clearly your face everytime I win. You even cry sometimes."

"Do not!"

"Do too!"

"Sure, sure keep telling yourself that, wouldn't want to hurt your ego now would we." I say messing up his hair as we arrive at my house, then quickly sprinting up the front steps before he can stop me.


"It's messy after surfing anyways!" I yell out laughing. 


"NEVER!!!" I'm laughing so hard now I've almost doubled over, so is Minho. 

"I'll see you at school!" I say waving like a maniac before making my way inside. Right before I close the door I see Minho shaking his head and waving back before making his way down the street. 


Hey guys how'd you like the first chapter? In this chapter I kind of wanted to just lay the groundwork make it obvious Lily at least thinksss Newt cute, and show a bit of her friendship with Minho as that will come up quite a bit in the story. 


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