Mornings are not my thing: 06

33 3 45

Newts POV:

I had to cancel my morning surf session with Minho this morning seeing as my leg is in such bad shape. That meant I should have been able to sleep in. Key word should.

I groan as my face is continually assaulted by the sloppy kisses of our family dog, Biscuit, who Sonya has so kindly let into my room. Gently moving Biscuit aside, I squint into the darkness, eyes slowly adjusting to see the giggling figure of my sister in the doorway currently filming Biscuits antics. 

"Sonya!" I yell out my voice cracking the way voices do early in the morning.

 Shoving the hair out of my eyes I give Sonya my best glare only causing her to laugh harder and sprint away, Biscuit following after her as I flop back on my bed. Reaching for my phone I check the time and see it's only 5:00am. 

"Bloody hell," grumbling under my breath I stand up opening my blinds and checking my notifications.

20 messages in The Ivy Trio group chat

1 video message from Sonya💩

2 messages from FryPanMan

4 messages from Lily☀️

Lily messaged me? 

                                                                             Lily ☀️

Sorry if I sounded like I didn't want to have another tutoring session, I do

We're still on for tomorrow, right? First lunch? Library?

Minho said you're not surfing today...

Everything okay? 

I feel my smile growing with each message. 

She treats everyone like this. The little voice in my head reminds me and the smile quickly slips. Shaking my head I try to get a grip before replying. 


                                                                                 We're still on for today. But only if you bring snacks ;) 

                                                         And everything's okay just didn't feel like another early morning.

Okayy if you're sure! I'll pick up some snacks :)

My smile grows on my face again as I wipe sleep out of my eyes. 

Maybe today will be a good day.


It's a nice day today, the sun's out and there's a light breeze so it's the perfect not too hot not too cold sort of weather. School is only a five-minute walk from my house, so I always arrive pretty early, today was no exception but luckily Thomas and Minho usually arrive at school early too so I don't have to sit alone.  I feel guilty for cancelling surfing today but I'm sure Minho will understand. Speak of the devil, as soon as I walk into school, I can see Minho and Thomas sitting on the main stairs Thomas gesturing wildly as he tells Minho a story that seems to be boring Minho to death as he sits looking half-asleep, visibly perking up when he sees me. 

"Hey shank, how's it going?" Minho calls out across the courtyard, Thomas rolling his eyes at Minho's lack of regard for everyone around us.

"Hey, it's good. Sorry for missing surfing today," I apologize with what I hope is an extremely apologetic expression.

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