6. Catastrophe

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Chapter 6:

2 June, Sunday, 2024
7:30 a.m.

No one knows when the stone you threw towards the sky would come back to you and hit you harder

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No one knows when the stone you threw towards the sky would come back to you and hit you harder. Most probably it's a nature made boomerang.

But it's not what it is about the situation I am in. I'm in a situation I thought I had escaped but turns out that those years were just a period to get myself ready for the upcoming disaster.

How come I never knew that he was his brother?

But in reality, the eldest son of Rai Mehrotra family actually avoided media to a great extend and me living outside India is also another reason.

I was beyond speechless when he placed his words that evening.

30 May

"Sign a contract with me for this baseless marriage" he spoke, his calm composure freaking me out.

I couldn't comprehend his words for a moment.

"What do you mean Mr. Rai Mehrotra?" I asked furrowing.

He sighed glancing at the table.

Rising his head, he stared at me. His grey eyes weren't grey anymore but black. His orbs had darkened.

They're beautiful but fearsome. They're so deep and wide but at the same time they can swallow you into their deepness. Your existence would be erased. I don't know but he hides many things behind the shadow in his orbs.

"I mean, I want you to sign a contract with me. Precisely, a contract marriage" he replied calmly, his voice octaves deep.

I was floored by his words.

My mind seemed to stop because this isn't a game we used to play in our childhood. It's about a promise made for lifetime. No matter how much I avoid these marriage things, to me, it's something pure and very important.

To me, it's something holy and sacred. But this man, he's turning it into a fucking contract?

I guess he must've realised what he has spoken by my shocked expression. I'm not much of an expressive person but this isn't something to stay calm about.

"What the hell do you mean by contract marriage? This isn't a deal to have a contract. This is a fucking.sacred.thing" I gritted fisting my palms under the table.

My anger is at its peak. I knew he isn't a religious person but I.am.

He chuckled, "Do you think I'm desperate to marry you?"

"Then what makes you think that I am also desperate to marry you?" I backfired.

He remained silent while a muscle in his jaw twitched.

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