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This story takes place 12 years after the events of Miles Darren's attempt of murder or whatever you'd like to call it. Oh, right. You don't know who is telling this story. Well, it's me. Silver. 17 years old with a big story to tell. So if you remember the last story, my mom took down her demons. My dad came back into our lives and tried his best to make up lost time. My older brother Rocky, well, adopted brother, is now a doctor. I'm soon graduating from high school, even though it's months from now. But hey, that's life. I took after my mom, always singing till my lungs hurt. I started a blog about me, under a secret name of course.

"Silver, time to go!" Melody shouted.

As I finish my last few words, I grab more of my stuff. It's called multitasking. I went downstairs and saw my Uncle Andrew.

"Hey, Silver Eyes."

"Hey, Uncle Andrew. How's the wife?"

"She's good."

"Where's Mom?"

"She left for work. I was told to drive you to school."

"Alright. Can I drive?"

"When Kanye is elected president."

"Damn it."

My Uncle Andrew and I are very close. He was there for my mom when she was pregnant with me and he was there for me growing up. Mom and Dad don't know about my blog, only Uncle Andrew.

"So, how's your blog?"

"It's going fine. People talk about it at school."

"Talking about the famous Silver Eyes? Good thing no one knows about my nickname for you. Did you tell your parents?"

"No. They don't know. I don't think they would understand. Mom and Dad want me to be a successful lawyer."

"Well, Silver Eyes, you can be whoever you want around me."

"Thanks, Uncle."

We got to my school and he parked in the front. I walked in the halls and saw Carson. Carson has been my friend since we were 5.

"Hey, Silver."

"Sup, Car."

"There's a music show tonight. Are you going?"

"Can't miss a show with my best friend."

Friend. How I wish we were more. Don't get me wrong, I love my friendship with Silver. But sometimes I think about our lives if we were more than friends.

"So, what's new?" Carson asked.

"Nothing much. Just another day of boring classes."

"Hey, some classes ain't so bad."

"Easy for you, your mind doses off to riding unicorns."

I'm in a class for people who like to build. That's right, I love woodshops. Upside, I get to come home smelling like wood chips. Downside, I'm the only girl in the class. Which means I have guys gawking at me like a piece of meat, or eye-candy as I like to call it. I walked into the woodshop and guys came staring at me like they had never seen a girl before. I saw a supply teacher in our normal teacher's chair.

"I think you're in the wrong class. The fashion design class is down the hall."

"As sexist as that is, I'm not taking the fashion design course. I'm here for woodshop."

I sat down and started working. The school's biggest flirt Blaze came to my table.

"Working hard, I like a girl who's determined."

"And I like a guy who's not a pain in my ass."

"Come on, Silver. Let's stop the tension and hangout."

"Come on, Blaze. Let's stop the act and leave."

I continued on my project. Later, after school I went to the library. During my lunch break I like to work on my blog. It's quiet and peaceful in the library and the best part is, no one ever comes in.

Hey, Silver fans. It was another day of classes and boys looking at me like a piece of meat ready for grilling. So, it looks like you guys are dying to know my real name. Sorry, you know the rules. I won't tell my real name until I reach my goal. My friend and I are going to a show tonight so I'll talk about it tomorrow, until then. Silver Eyes out.

For some who wonder what my blog is about, it's about my life as a 17 year old living with 5 siblings. Well, 4 if you count Rocky not being my real brother. I got home and saw everyone doing their own thing. Daven was watching TV, Kiera was reading on the couch, Vera was eating a bowl of mac and cheese, and I saw Phoenix playing with play-doh. I went to my room and started getting ready for the show. Tonight, this show will be a night to remember.

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