Fighting With Fire

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We were driving to the warehouse when my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID and it read Uncle Austin.

"Uncle Austin, are you and Phoenix ok?"

"Austin can't come to the phone, he and Phoenix are about to get burned."

"Burned? What does that mean?" Brooke asked.

"Blaze?" Carson asked.

"Metaphor. In movies when they say stuff like that, it's literal."

"Literal? Like he will actually set my little sister and uncle on fire?"

Blaze just nodded his head.

"Oh, my god! Don't hurt them!"

"I might make this fun and turn our little battle into a movie themed fight. Let's play a game."

"I'm done playing games with you!"

"Silver, don't be mean. Let's play a game. It's called Live or Die. You get to pick who lives and who dies."

"No! Don't hurt Phoenix!"

"All you gotta say is save Phoenix, and Austin gets chopped to bits and pieces."


"Or say save Austin, and Phoenix gets burned to a crisp."

I heard Phoenix scream.

"Phoenix! Please, don't hurt her! I'll do anything!"

"Maybe you're too weak for this franchise."

"Maybe you're right. Or maybe I'm just stalling for time, Fuckhead!"

The elevator doors open to reveal Brooke, Blaze, Carson and I. Blaze shot at Dragon, but only to miss. Dragon ran away.

"Grab Austin, and I'll grab Phoenix." Silver said.

Blaze and Carson helped Uncle Austin to his feet and Brooke helped me with Phoenix.

"Let's go." Blaze said.

Out of nowhere, Dragon attacks Blaze with a knife.

"Blaze!" Brooke shouted.

Blaze was fighting with Dragon. Dragon was trying to kill Blaze with his knife. Blaze was pushing Dragon back.

"Not today!" exclaimed Blaze.

Blaze head punched Dragon and pushed him back. Before Dragon could stab Blaze, Blaze shot at Dragon. Dragon fell back hitting the glass wall, breaking it and falling to the ground.

"Let's go!" Carson said.

We got to the elevator, but before the doors could close Blaze stopped them.

"The head."

"What?" Austin asked.

"You gotta shoot them in the head, they always come back."

"Don't do it!" Brooke said.

"Silver, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for always making you feel like you weren't good enough, that all you are is just a pretty face. But you have a future ahead of you, go for it."

"This isn't a movie, this is real life!" Carson said.

"We gotta finish it. They'll come back unless you shoot them in the head."

"Blaze, who gives a fuck?" Silver asked.

"I do."

Before we could even say boo, the elevator doors closed. Blaze was on the other side. He was going to risk his life for us.

"Blaze!" shouted Brooke.

Blaze walked towards Dragon still on the floor. He refilled his gun with bullets. He was going to end it, for Silver. Blaze was standing over Dragon, getting ready to fire. Just then Blaze's phone rang. Blaze looked away for a second and Dragon got up and stabbed Blaze in the gut.

"Yes, today."

Dragon then stabbed Blaze in the back with another knife. Dragon moved the knife up Blaze's spine. Blood spewed on the floor. Blaze grabbed Dragon's shirt, ripping it to reveal a bullet proof vest. Blaze looked down at his phone and read the caller ID only to see Carson's name.

"It's an honor."

Dragon pulled out both knives and kicked Blaze to the floor. Blaze was lying lifeless on the floor. Blaze was dead.

"Now it's Silver's turn."

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