Gaara's P.O.V
We were supposed to have left the leaf village hours ago, but i just couldn't leave yet. Not with out apologizing to Crystal for what i had done. Naruto has changed me more than he will ever know.
I was making my way to the hospital, figuring that's the most logical place she would be. The sun had long since left the horizon. When i reached the tree line close to the entrance, a scream filled the air. I thought someone had seen me, but my presence is hidden, so i dismissed the idea.
A young women jumped out of a 6th floor window landing gracefully on the ground. A few anbu following behind in chase. I followed their trail. It didn't take me long to catch up to them, but i found all of the anbu beaten and frozen to the ground. I continued to track the girl who had run from them.
The sound of crying reached my ears. Slowly i approached the girl, looking closer i realized it was Crystal.
Her head jerked around, looking right at where i was hidden. She jumped up and tried to run away, but i caught her wrist.
Crystal: " Let go of me!!...."She spun around bring her leg up for a high kick, forcing me to release her from my grasp. Her eyes were not open as she again tried to run. " I can't stay in there!! I just can't!! "
I made a wall of sand in front of her and she ran right into it, making her fall. She pulled her legs to her chest and hugged them, slowly rocking herself. Her crying never once stopping.
I sat down: " Can not go back where? "
Crystal raised her head and wiped away the seemingly never stopping tears. I reached out and pulled her into my chest. She held onto me like i was the only thing that could keep her safe.
Why does this girl make me feel different? I don't think while she is close by. When she smiles at me i feel cared for. I feel like i am loved.
Kakashi's P.O.V
Why would Crystal leave the hospital and how did she beat 3 anbu??
Pakun is following her sent trail again. Why am i the one who has to find her? Not that that's a bad thing. I do want to know she is safe and...
Pakun interrupted my thoughts: " We may have a problem Kakashi. "
I looked into the clearing ahead of us to see Gaara sitting on the ground, holding Crystal. Well, that does seem quite odd. I as i got closer i could see Crystal's tear stained face, she was hugging Gaara.
Gaara: " I know you are there, Kakashi Hatake....." I walked on into the clearing, stopping a few feet from him. " I mean Crystal nor the village any harm. We were tricked by the sound. "
I nodded: " Then may i ask why you are holding Crystal? "
No emotion was present on his face as he spoke: " I saw her run from the hospital. She looked...scared and sad. I wanted to help her, like she did for me years ago. "
'that's strange. I didn't know she knew Gaara before the exams. '
Two people i recognized as Temari and Kuncuro landed beside Garra. They looked at him strangely.
Kuncuro: " Come on Gaara. We were supposed to leave hours ago. "
Temari: " We've been looking for you for hours. "
Gaara gave them a glare making both of them close their mouths from any further nagging.
Gaara: " It seems that i have to go..." He stood up and stepped over to me, confusion now evident on his brow. " Can i ask of you one thing? "
: " If it involves Crystal in anyway, I will consider it. "
Gaara: " Will you watch over her? Protect her, until i can again? "
: " Why do you want her protected? "
Temari spoke up: " You don't know this, she used to live with us years ago, she always called Gaara her teddy bear and you know teddy bears...."
Gaara: " Are supposed to protect the person who cares for them. "
: " I will protect her with my life. "
Gaara nodded and i took Crystal into my arms, but she held onto the strap of Gaara's gourd. We both looked down, her eyes were only slightly open.
Crystal: " Gaara, come here... " Gaara looked at me, then leaned closer to her. " Never forget, you will always be my teddy bear. " She then pecked Gaara's cheek.
A small blush appeared on his face, as Crystal put her head on my chest. I could feel her breathing even out, telling me she had fallen asleep.
Gaara nodded to me and jumped into the trees, followed closely behind by his siblings. Which left me standing there wondering if i should take Crystal back to the hospital or not.