Gaara's P.O.V
I'm being carried away by my siblings. Both Naruto and Crystal have made me think about many things. Life is lonely by yourself. Is it really worth living if you have no one to care for, to love?
" I'm sorry..."
Temari and Kuncuro gasped.
Kuncuro: " It's cool Gaara. "
Temari: " Yeah, just rest. "
" No, i am sorry. I have not been treating you as my siblings. Nor have i even treated you kind. I will try to be better. "
They both were silent as they continued to carry me through the forest.
Kakashi's P.O.V
Naruto: " I have to go look for her!! Let me out of here!! She could be really hurt!! Come on!! "
I walked into Naruto's hospital room to hear him yelling something about finding somebody.
" What are you yelling about Naruto? "
His head swiveled towards me, the rest of him couldn't quite move, considering he was tied to the bed.
Naruto: " No one has seen her Kakashi!! They can't find her and she hasn't shown up anywhere!! She's probably really hurt!! ......"
" Whoa, slow down. Who's lost Naruto? "
Naruto: "Crystal!!...."
My visible eye widened. The girl who somehow made a connection with me. She was impossibly strong for her age. Why? Where is she?
Naruto: " Kakashi!! Find her, please....find my sister...please. "
He looked at me with the saddest, most desperate look i have ever seen.
I pulled out a scroll from my vest, made some signs and bit my thumb.
While slamming my hand on the ground " Summing Justu!! "
A small nin-hound appeared.
" Hey pakun, i am in need of your help yet again. "
Pakun: " Sure thing Kakashi. What you need tracked this time? "
Naruto: " Here! "
Looking over i saw Naruto holding a head band.
Naruto: " This is all i could find. I know it's her's cause she sew her name on the inside of it. "
I nodded a thanks and took it from him, putting it on the ground for Pakun to sniff. He sniffed it twice and then took off.
" Don't worry Naruto, i'll find her. "
How could i not? This strange girl has made a different connection with me. Why do i feel like i need to protect her more so than anybody else?
I disappeared in a puff of smoke.
Pakun lead me through the forest for a bit, then stopped at the bottom of a pile of fairly large fallen trees.
This slightly worried me. If she was under all these, she surely would have died. I jumped up to the top anyway and moved some of the brush away. There at the very bottom of the pile i could just barely make out a bit of dark brown hair with a single streak of dark red.
I moved more brush out of the way, letting light reach the bottom of this mess.
" Crystal! Can you hear me!?! "
There was a very faint response: " Please help me dad. "
Did she just call me dad? Is she conscious or talking in her subconscious?
It was pretty easy to get to the bottom. Nothing was really tight spaced, only the brush at the top hid her from view.
Once i landed next to her, i could see why she hadn't come back. Her ankle was pinned under one of the trees.
Crystal: " Dad, it hurts. "
Her breathing was slow and uneven. Though everything else looked fine. There wasn't any blood that i could see.
" It's ok, i'll get you out of here. "
I rose the earth on either side of her trapped foot lifting the tree slightly. I was going to pull her leg out of the way, but she did it herself.
Crystal: " My ribs are broken.... " she sat up to look at me " and i'm gonna pass out now. "
And she did. She fell straight forward into my open arms, but her eyes were no longer open.
So, i climbed back out and started my way back to the village, moving my legs faster and faster.