Awake ?

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Yoongi opened his eyes slowly, squinting slightly as the harsh hospital lights assaulted his still-sleepy eyes

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Yoongi opened his eyes slowly, squinting slightly as the harsh hospital lights assaulted his still-sleepy eyes. It took a few moments for his bearings to adjust, and the faint beeping of nearby machines filled his ears. Confusion clouded his mind as he couldn't remember anything that led to him being here in this sterile room.

A dull ache pulsed throughout his body, and it was then that the events before the accident started to come back to him—he had been coming back from music festival when he met an accident on his way to taehyung's award show

The nurse quickly noticed Yoongi's awakening and hurried to his bedside
"Ah you are finally awake. How are you feeling?"

A painful moan escaped his lips as he whimpered

"My head~
Paused for few seconds

"M-my hu-husband?"

She nodded understandingly
"I can imagine your head might be still fuzzy but that's completely normal considering what have you been through. And about your husband he is been here every single day ,worrying himself sick but right now I assume that he is  at his office right now."

Yoongi was surprised to hear that taehyung was here all by his side all the time his mind was still hazy so he didn't exactly recalled the details of the accident but he felt strong feeling of love to his partner.

'"How long..... How long I have been here?"

"You are since last 7 months" the nurse said calmly not to set more panic to yoongi

"Seven months" he repeated nurse's words.

The idea of having spent last seven months in coma set chills down his spine he immediately tried to sit.

"Don't try to sit Sir" the nurse said in firm commanding voice

Yoongi nodded weakly and leaned his head against the pillow.His mind raced with million thought per second the idea of spending last seven months in coma finally sat in. He couldn't help but wonder how Taehung managed taking care of him and dealing with the small business they owned back then.

The nurse left the room after she monitored his vitals to call taehyung and inform his about yoongi's awakening.



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