Problem solved

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As the issue with Mr.Jackson was just over The secretary made it her mission to make Yoongi's life miserable. She would find any excuse to berate him, whether it was for making a mistake or for no reason at all.

Yoongi tried his best to ignore her, but the constant argument and cruel comments were taking a toll on him. He felt helpless and powerless against her constant bullying.

Yoongi was sitting on Taehyung's chair again when

She   In her  sharp  and authoritative voice and her expression  were disapproving as she addressed Yoongi.

"You're a lowly person . You have no right to sit on the CEO's chair. Get off it right now."

The secretary huffed in anger.

"You're bold. But you're forgetting your place. I'm    the secretary of this company. You're  nothing  more than  a piece of decoration, someone the CEO keeps around for  his  own amusement."

"You know nothing about us and you have no right to judge why I'm with taehyung".

"Yes I do. I know you are just a sugar baby to him that handsome ass has no where to spend" said secretary with ting of jealousy and hatred

"You are just jealous bcz he fucks my hole not your pussy." Yoongi spat even though he knew him and taehyung never intimidated before.

And just Then yoongi clumsily stumbled accidentally knocked over the cup of coffee, causing it to spill onto Taehyung's laptop. The secretary let out a sharp gasp, her eyes widening in horror.

"You idiot! Look what you've done!"

Yoongi's face paled as he realized what he had done. The guilt and fear washed over him as he saw the damage he had caused to Taehyung's laptop. He turned to the secretary, trying to apologize.

"I-I'm so sorry. It was an accident, I swear. I didn't mean to knock over the coffee."

The secretary was furious, her face red with anger. She glared at Yoongi with pure disgust in her eyes.

"An accident? You call that an accident? You're such a clumsy, useless idiot. You think you can just waltz in here, acting like you own the place, and then cause so much damage? This laptop costs more than you could ever make in a lifetime."

She slapped his face as she started to curse on him and what matter for her was the laptop not the fact yoongi himself got slight burn from the coffee spill.

The secretary slap stung Yoongi's face, leaving a red mark on his cheek. Yoongi winced in pain Then  she grabbed him roughly and started dragging him towards the door.

"Ow! Wait... stop! Where are you taking me? I said I was sorry!"

"Shut up freak" The secretary spoke as she dragged him all long.

Tears welled in Yoongi's eyes as the secretary continued to drag him out of the office. Her harsh words stung almost as much as the slap she had given him. He tried to wriggle out of her grasp, but her grip was tight and unyielding.

"Please... stop... you're hurting me..."

As the secretary forcefully shoved Yoongi out of the office, he stumbled and fell right in the middle of the office. All the employees stopped their work and stared at him, their eyes wide with surprise and curiosity.

Yoongi's face turned beet red as he felt the weight of all those gazes upon him. He tried to stand up, but his legs felt weak and wobbly. He hung his head in shame, wishing he could disappear into the floor.

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