Their playful banter

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As Taehyung stepped into the house, he spotted Yoongi fast asleep on the sofa. He couldn't help but smile at the sight of his husband, looking so peaceful and content in his sleep.

He quietly approached the sofa and gently shook Yoongi's shoulder to wake him up.

"Hey, Hyung , you're gonna get a crick in your neck if you sleep like that."

Yoongi woke up with famous 😑 face

I was resting my eyes I wasn't sleeping

Taehyung smirked at Yoongi's protest. He could tell that his husband was lying, but he decided not to call him out on it.

"Right, you were just resting your eyes. That's why you were snoring so loudly."

"I was doing special vocal training" said Yoongias he protested

Taehyung raised an eyebrow and chuckled at Yoongi's excuse. It was typical of him to come up with such a random explanation for his snoring.

"Special vocal training, huh? Well, you certainly sounded like you were practicing your bass notes with that loud snoring."

"Taehyungaa stop teasing me I'm your hyung" said yoongi as he protested

Taehyung couldn't help but laugh he loved to tease Yoongi whenever possible.

"Ah, there it is. The good ol' 'I'm your hyung' card. Sorry, hyung, but you just make it too easy to tease you."

"Here let me take your bag" said yoongi as he took taehyung's bag and helped him get out of his coat and tie

Taehyung smiled and allowed Yoongi to take his bag from him. He relished in the domesticity of the situation, feeling content and cared for by his husband.

"Thank you, hyung. And for the record, you would make a terrible rapper with all that snoring."

"Here have some water" said yoongi as he handed taehyung a glass of water

Taehyung took the glass of water from Yoongi and took a grateful sip.

"Ah, thanks. I'm glad I have such a caring husband to keep me hydrated and make sure I'm well-fed."

He chuckled and placed a gentle kiss on Yoongi's cheek.

"Welcome and taehyung why everything here so complicated even turning on the shower is a whole lot" whinned yoongi

Taehyung chuckled at Yoongi's comment about the house being complicated to navigate.

"Trust me, I know it's a lot. This place is designed for luxury, so they have to make everything high-tech and fancy."

He took a seat next to Yoongi on the sofa and wrapped his arm around him.

"Are you having a hard time getting used to things?"

Yoongi Huffed "No I didn't say that"

Taehyung smirked, knowing that Yoongi was probably struggling a bit more than he would like to admit.

"You didn't say it, but I can tell. You've been having a hard time with those fancy shower sensors, haven't you?"

"Okay fine yeah that damn showers are made to be as confusing as they could be" said yoongi as he admitted the complexity

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