Respect~ ohh yeah

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As they entered the hotel suite, Yoongi subtly dodged Taehyung's attempts to touch him, knowing that if his partner felt his burning skin, he would know something was off.

He made up excuses to disappear to the bathroom, saying he needed to freshen up and wash his hands. Or he would pretend to be busy on his phone, sending emails or making calls to avoid any physical contact.

As taehyung and him laid in bed,

Yoongi's forehead was burning up, but he refrained from adjusting the air conditioner to a warmer temperature, not wanting to wake up Taehyung and make him feel hot.

He lay next to his partner, shivering under the sheets, feeling miserable and tired but still refusing to wake him. He just wanted to wait it out and let Taehyung rest undisturbed.

As the night wore on,

Yoongi's fever continued to worsen. His body ached and his head throbbed, but he stubbornly refused to acknowledge his symptoms and instead tried to sleep in spite of them.

He tossed and turned in the bed, desperately trying to find a comfortable position but feeling too hot and cold at the same time. Every now and then, he would shiver and cough, trying to stifle the noise to avoid waking Taehyung.

And suddenly,

The loud sound of Yoongi's coughing and vomiting woke Taehyung from his deep sleep. He bolted upright in bed, disoriented and confused, as he realised that something was going on.

"Hyung? What's going on? Are you okay?" He asked, concerned, as he switched on the bedside lamp and looked over at his partner.

Taehyung's heart sank when he saw Yoongi's feverish face and trembling body, clearly ill and in distress. He quickly got out of bed and hurried over to his side, putting a hand to his forehead to feel his temperature.

"Oh my God, Hyung , you're burning up! Why didn't you wake me up earlier?"

Yoongi collapsed against taehyung's chest making

Taehyung's eyes widened

"Hyung? Hyung!" He exclaimed, gently shaking him and trying to get him to wake up.

When he realised that he was out cold, Taehyung quickly got to work. He laid Yoongi back down on the bed and gently examined him, feeling his forehead and checking his breathing. His heart ached at How pale and weak his partner seemed.

He quickly got up from the bed and rushed to the bathroom, grabbing a wet washcloth and a thermometer.

When he returned to Yoongi's side, he gently wiped his forehead with the cool cloth, hoping to bring down his fever. He also put the thermometer under his tongue, waiting for it to beep.

"Please, please, please... be alright. Don't be too high," he whispered to himself anxiously.

He quickly grabbed his phone and started frantically googling the best way to bring down a fever. He found several articles suggesting cold compresses and over-the-counter medications, so he quickly got up and got an ice pack as well as some fever reducers from his bag.

He returned to Yoongi's bedside and started to take care of him, gently placing the ice pack on his forehead and coaxing the pills into his mouth, hoping that it would bring down his body temperature.

Taehyung stayed up all night, diligently taking care of Yoongi and constantly monitoring his temperature. His own exhaustion was pushed aside as he focused entirely on making sure his partner was okay.

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