wedding anniversary

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It was their wedding anniversary, a milestone that Yoongi had eagerly anticipated. Despite his physical limitations, he wanted to do something special to show Taehyung how much he appreciated him.

For weeks, Yoongi had been secretly planning a surprise for Taehyung. He had been carefully gathering materials and supplies, determined to creating a heartfelt gesture that would express his deep love and gratitude. It had been difficult to keep it a secret from Taehyung, but the thought of seeing his husband's reaction kept him motivated.

" Mr.Kim why don't you guys try something physical like intimacy you know" the maids suggested him

The maids' playful suggestion sent a shiver down Yoongi's spine. He had never been the type of person to initiate intimate activities, especially since he had only recently woken up from the coma and still felt self-conscious about his physical limitations.

But the thought of making Taehyung happy was a tempting one. Yoongi had always been shy and reserved in matters of love, but for Taehyung, he was willing to step outside his comfort zone.

Time skip ⏭....

Anniversary night,

Once the house was completely empty, Yoongi let out a shaky breath. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest as he looked around the dimly lit room, the rose petals scattered across the bed creating a romantic atmosphere.

He took a few moments to steady himself, mentally preparing for what was to come. He knew that Taehyung would be home any minute now, and he didn't want to waste a single second of their anniversary together.

In office,

Taehyung had spent the entire day looking for the perfect anniversary gift for Yoongi. While he could have easily chosen something extravagant and expensive, he knew that Yoongi tended to be more subdued in his tastes.

As he browsed through a jewelry store, Taehyung's eyes landed on a pair of beautiful diamond-encrusted payals. He immediately knew that they were perfect for Yoongi.

Taehyung smiled to himself as he imagined how the payals would look on Yoongi's pale feet. Their platinum shine would contrast beautifully with his porcelain skin, and the diamonds would sparkle like stars.

He quickly purchased the payals and headed home, eager to see Yoongi's reaction when he saw the gift. He knew that it wasn't the most extravagant present he could have gotten, but he believed that it would be meaningful and personal for his husband.

As Taehyung entered their home, he was surprised to find it completely empty. The maids were nowhere to be found, and Yoongi was nowhere to be seen. Taehyung was puzzled for a moment, wondering where everyone had gone.

Taehyung's heartbeat quickened as he called out for Yoongi, but there was only silence in response. He called out again, louder this time.

"Yoongi Hyung ! Where are you, baby?"

Taehyung headed towards their bedroom, his heart racing with anticipation. As he opened the door, he found himself frozen in place with surprise at the sight that greeted him.

The room was lit up by candles and rose petals scattered across the bed in a romantic display. But what surprised him most was the sight of Yoongi sitting on the bed, looking both nervous and determined.

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