chocolate sponge cake

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250 ml  flour
250 ml maizena
5 ml  salt
5 ml baking powder
3 eggs (seperated)
250 ml hot water
250 ml sugar
5 ml vanilla essence
{1 suitable cake dish 20 cm in diamater by 7cm deep straight sided}

1. Grease dish with oil.
2. Line bottom of dish with wax wrap.
3. Grease wax wrap.
4. Line sides of dish with wix wrap {making sure that the wax wrap protrudes 5cm above the sides.}
5. Grease wax wrap
6. Mix together the flour, maizena, salt and baking powder.
7. Beat egg whites until stiff.
8. Dissolve the cocoa in the hot water. Add the vanilla essence, suger,oil and egg whites.
9. Add flour mixture. Beat well.
10. Fold in the egg whites.
11. Put cake mixture into cake dish, level out and bake on full power +-6 minutes.
12. After baking, if cake is moist on top, place a sheet of roller towelling on top of the cake and press lightly.
13. Remove towelling.
14. Allow cake to cool a few minutes.
15. Turn out onto a cake rack.
16. Peel of wax wrap.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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