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I dug my feet in the sand, fighting against the hands on my body.

"Please, just let me check she's alright!" There were two Rays on each side of me, they'd used their superspeed to catch me off guard but getting me into the ship was going to be a whole different battle.

"I thought the moon was subdued?" One of them growled, trying to yank me up as I was now using the sink like a rock tactic and had made my body so heavy that they had no choice but to carry me. Or try to. "Why is it fighting?"

They both huffed and dropped me, letting me sink to the floor. I thought for a second they were going to let me go when one of them grabbed the braids at the back of my hair and yanked it hard. I squealed grabbing its hands when it pulled my head back to lock eyes with its black pools of complete emptiness.

"We have instruction to get you to earth," It tilted its head, "The sun mentioned nothing about leaving the members of this planet alive."

I blinked, a sick feeling rising up my throat. "What?"

"We will return to the Sun and inform them of your disobedience, they will send a response that your companions will not be able to handle," It tilted its head, "Everyone and every being that is alive on this planet will die. Will all this be worth it then?"

I felt my resolve break, I wanted to check on Sol-needed to know if she was alive or not, but I would be checking on a corpse if I let them do that. My bottom lip trembled as I searched for a response, "I was promised her save travel out of this galaxy, I was told-

The other one spoke, "That deal expired when you killed the Rays that offered it. This is the new deal, get on the ship, stay on Mars. It's simple, choose one."

My legs found their strength to pull me back upright, they moved to touch me, but I raised up my hand, "I will manage getting on just fine," I assured them, as I took in the structure before me. I'd never seen such- understandably so. It was painfully golden and difficult to stare at for long periods of time especially in direct sunlight.

Every edge of its design was sharp, the points looking almost weapon like with how thin they were. I didn't have to get in it to know it was fast, probably the speed of light considering the arrogance of the Sun. It was plainly decorated on the inside, quite a letdown compared to its exterior if you asked me. I took the first seat in front of me, the one facing the door that had a long window that was the only piece of light coming into the ship as the door closed. Until one of the Rays went to the other wall and pressed their palm on it, lighting up the ship as the neon white lights ran in lines all over the wall of the ship, bending into patterns that formed a large sun in the centre of it. When the Ray dragged its hand down, a door I hadn't seen before slid open, revealing one other Ray that I assumed was driving the ship.

They were all identical, nothing to point them out from one another besides their skin that darkened with age. I felt for them in that sense, I'd never met another moon but now that I had I knew I was created specifically for earth and the moons that lined the other planets were different even in name.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20 ⏰

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