Chapter three - open up x

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Vivs PoV
I spot the headphones that Leah must of brung upstairs to originally help Sam and decide it's worth a shot to try and stop her becoming overwhelmed. I know that physical touch isn't the best right now so I just pass the headphones over to Sam who smiled but was clearly struggling to speak.
'Hey Sam don't focus on talking right now just focus on staying grounded yeah'
I received a small nod, she was clearly drained and struggling. After not even 15 minutes of sitting with eachother Sam fell asleep and I decided to go check on Leah.

Leah's pov
I went downstairs to escape what sammy was going through, as cruel as it sounds I can't bear the idea that it was my parents who did that to her. They were harsh on me as a child but nothing like what sammy had been through, although I'm not quite sure of what she's been through so that's another mystery. Before I spiral further into my thoughts the kettle boils and I decide to make not only me a drink but viv as well. Just as I poured the milk I heard creaks on the stairs and viv just sat at the table.
'I'll let you talk when you're ready' I said prepared for whatever bad news she had but she just replied
'How are you keeping up?'
That was a peculiar question,
One that hasn't been asked since Sam arrived and to be honest I didn't know the answer. Now should I pretend I didn't hear her? Or I could...
'Hey you don't need to know the answer now but just think about it yeah?'
That's the reassurance I've been seeking.
'To be honest viv I can't understand what she went through or what she's going through, it all seems so complex'
Viv replied simply 'it is' like it carried no weight or meaning to the words.
'I mean it's a very tough situation to be in and sometimes the brain not only responds differently in the situation but also after. These ''episodes'' I believe are flashbacks, she can see, hear and feel what she felt when the trauma was happening. That alongside the obvious sensory issues is setting her up for a very bad route if she doesn't open up. I'm not going to sugarcoat it leah.'
That's what I needed
Someone to be honest and snap me out of whatever these few months had been.
'Will you help me talk to the school?'
Viv nods and explains further about ptsd and what has helped Sam during her flashback so she can help in the future.

Vivs play
This is a tricky situation to be in for Leah but I decided she needed time to process but also a distraction. I decide to set up a movie night with the girls tomorrow but I was also focused on seeing what I can do that makes it easier for Sam.
'Leah meet me at mine with Sam after school tomorrow, if she goes in, if not come over whenever?'
She thinks for a moment before asking 'what if we trigger her or she gets overwhelmed'
'I've thought this through, we will start with me and Beth and you guys then work up with some members of the team shes close to and let her decide the movie.'
Leah simply nods and I decide it's time to leave as I hear the pitter of myles footsteps on the stairs and heavier footsteps of Sam behind it.

Leah's pov
It's time to wake Sammy up, I've left her asleep for as long as she needs after yesterday and have explained to her thoroughly what's happening as to not upset her.
As she woke up I started to prepare her comfort breakfast, as bougie as it sounds is just plain toast and no butter, some people find it odd but she says the butter feels weird on her mouth and I'm not one to judge.
I prepared her crocs as I suspects it was going to be a comfy outfit as she would still be on 'high alert' after yesterday's meltdown and flashback. She came down And ate her toast but she then stopped to say something before eating again

Sam's pov
I want to explain to Leah what happens when I have a meltdown or what the word Viv taught me yesterday was but I don't know how. I contemplate before deciding it's too hard to put into words but Leah clearly notices what I'm thinking.
'You don't owe me an explanation bug but if you know how I can help let me know'
That's what I love about my sister she never pressured me into talking or doing anything. I decide to try explain.
'Sometimes if my routine changes it feels like I have a really bad illness, my stomach hurts and my head burns, like it's on fire and I can't think straight, it even hurts in my fingers and toes and sometimes I can tell before it happens and go to miss Wilson but sometimes it just happens without any warning and it's really scary. I can hear ringing in my ears and more little noises than I usually can, I can feel my clothes on my skin and the lights feel like a constant migraine. It just makes me really angry'
'It's ok we can help calm down the sensory stuff and work on getting arrangements at school sammy, I promise'

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