Chapter four - shopping x

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Leah's pov
For the first time Sammy had opened up to me about how she feels and it's made it evident what I can do to help, I've decided that as we have three hours before we have to be at Beth's and it's a school day we can go to the mall and it won't be too loud either. I explain my plan to Sammy before we get in the car. On the way to the shopping centre I talk about different things that can help Sammy, like her headphones which I've discovered is now obvious as to why they are constantly on her head. When we get to the mall we decide to start at a clothes shop and buy some clothes made out of fabric that Isn't too heavy or tight or itchy before heading over to the sunglasses section, I explain to Sammy that if it's too bright she can wear sunglasses to stop migraines or overwhelm. I also told her about saf Middleton who plays with some of my England teammates at Manchester United and is a very good rep for Autism awareness and we have agreed to try reach out to her this coming week or so. Finally we stopped at a few shops to buy sensory equipment but also stim toys. Mum and dad never cared about her diagnosis, they tended to use it as a way for money but now that she's moved in with me we have decided to do more research on autism and how to help. Today we have bought lots of sensory stuff and little does she know that during the movie while I 'pop home to get snacks' I'll be setting up a sensory room in the spare bedroom!

A/n I know this one is short but it's the calm before the storm so settle in x

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