Chapter 22: The Element of Surprise

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And It feels like
Your entrance just caused the temperature to rise
You'd got a look in your eyes as you snuck
In the side
Guess there's nothing like the element
Of surprise

"The Element of Surprise," by The Last Shadow Puppets



Alex had only been gone three days, but it felt like an eternity. We talked all day, every day on text or quick voice notes, phone calls, and FaceTime. Each time talking to him, it was apparent he was still on edge after everything that had happened. I hated seeing him like this when he should be happy and excited about touring for the new album. I knew those feelings weren't mutually exclusive. Still, I didn't want this situation weighing on his heart during such an insane moment for him and the band.

"You locked the door, yeah?" Alex asked as I lay in bed on a call with him.

"Yes, you heard me lock it," I said, a little annoyed. I was getting ready for work, and Alex asked me to make sure the door was locked as if I had slept all night with it open and unlocked. I went and unlocked it, and then I relocked the door for him earlier in our conversation to relax him.

"Sorry, just anxious, darlin'."

"I know, and I wish I could just snap my fingers and take that away from the both of us. I promised you I'd be safe, and I have been in the three days since you left," I teased with a small laugh.

"What are you wearing?" Alex laughed as he changed the subject to better things.

"A smile," I smiled, saying it, being cheeky.

"The best smile," he sighed.

"What are you wearing?"

"A pout. Pouting that I'm not there beside you," Alex sounded really sentimental and not trying to have a fun, sexy conversation.

"I'm pretending you are... stealing the blankets and all."

"I miss your freezing feet on mine."

"They're freezing because you steal the blankets. Blanket hog," I tsked with a laugh.

"Have you ever thought I did it so you'd come to cuddle me?" Alex challenged.

"No, and you don't do it because of that either," I laughed. Alex was always unintentionally getting tangled in the blankets and pulling them with him.

"You caught me. I do it for the frozen feet," Alex said sarcastically.

They were in North Carolina, had just finished their show, and were on to the next as I was heading out to work. While we talked during the day and at more reasonable hours, after his shows, it was a weird ship's passing in the night vibe at times-him getting done with work and me getting ready to start my day, but I was always excited just to hear his voice.

I eventually left for work, and as I walked to the shop, I kept thinking about doing something for Alex to help ease his mind and know I was with him. I had an idea, but I needed to see if I could pull it off. I got to the shop and turned on all the lights and turned on some music, enjoying the quietness.

I called Landon at a more reasonable hour. It only took a few rings before he answered.

"Good morning, Camp," Landon answered cheerily, a little too cheerily for eight in the morning. He always alternated between calling me Lettie or Camp, shortening my last name.

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