Chapter 7: Rational

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And all this confusion, it's just an illusion
It's borrowing time, becoming a nuisance
It's not like I'm waiting on someone to save me
'Cause everyone's tired, but I'm too impatient
Until I'm finally convinced that you hate me
All because I can't be rational

- "Rational," by Matt Maeson


It had been almost two months since we started the tour with The Black Keys in the States. It had also been two months since I had seen Lettie - in person. Two months of fleeting texts, sporadic calls, and FaceTimes underscored by the weight of everything I couldn't say or hadn't said. The embarrassment I had felt from the two days we had seen each other at the beginning of February had only dulled slightly. I still had it at the back of my mind every time we talked. We seemingly had swept it under the rug in favor of not losing each other completely, which, in the end, I was grateful for something over nothing.

In the midst of everything, I met Anna. Jim, the Black Keys' manager, introduced us; she was the tour publicist. Anna's job was to run interference at any appearances related to the tour, communicate with the media on our behalf, and make sure any promotional events went smoothly and stayed on schedule. From the moment we started talking, there was a spark between us. I felt confident, and I think it was because she got what I was dealing with from a career perspective; she was also intelligent, funny, and easy to be around. But even as I enjoyed her company, Lettie lingered in the corners of my mind.

"Alex," Anna's voice broke through my thoughts, bringing me back to the present moment.

I looked up, and Anna was standing in the doorway. I waved her in with a smile, and she curled up next to me on the couch backstage. We had just finished our set at Lollapalooza, and I was taking a minute before going to watch Björk perform. I had been dying to see her set since finding out she'd be headlining. I was exhausted, though, and the thought of sleeping was so tempting, but I wouldn't have much time for that till we landed in Argentina. I couldn't wait for the hotel.

"How are you doing?" I asked as I gave her a kiss.

"Obviously better now,' she replied, leaning in to return the kiss. "But I come bearing news!" Anna's eyes bright with excitement as she pulled back slightly, her smile infectious.

"What have you got?" I laughed at her excitement.

"I know it's been a lot lately, but we've got a lot of press and events lined up around Coachella for you and the band." Her words rushed out as she started to share the news.

"You're not supposed to be working on that stuff while you're here," I reminded her gently. We were not currently with The Black Keys tour; she was supposed to be taking time off and just be with me out of work mode. She didn't have to manage our tour press at all now, but I admired her drive.

Anna looked at me and scrunched her face. She was annoyed with me. "Well, while it's not officially tour-related, you and The Black Keys are playing Coachella. I have to manage and accept or reject requests. We are two weeks out, Alex." She defended, her voice trying to manage how much of her frustration she wanted to convey to me.

"Alright, I give up," I relented teasingly. Anna leaned in again and kissed me. "What have you been cooking up, then?" I was curious now.

"The Coachella stuff is mostly standard like you have lined up for the next few festivals, but I was getting a lot of requests for just you," Her eyes sparkled with excitement.

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