Chapter 4

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Today(9-7-24) my book got 108 reads for which I am truly grateful.❤️ Thank you all for showing this love and support. 🫂💕 Just a small request, if you are reading it and you like my book please give your precious votes too. Your votes motivates me to carry on with my book, that's all.

Happy Reading 💐




It's been a week since I have been avoiding him. Even the mere thought of interacting with him makes me nauseous. He's been trying to make conversation but I am keen on dodging it and this is not missed by anyone in the campus. At first they were not verbal about it and now they can't stop talking about what happened between us. At first I was not fazed by this gossip, but now it is messing with my brain.

The classes have officially begun and my schedule is packed. Other than the lunch break my day is swarmed with back to back lectures.

Right now, I am going towards the student's cafeteria to have my homemade lunch. There is a separate cafeteria for the faculty members but I like to spend my recess time with them, as it helps me to form a deeper connection with them. And I feel that a teacher who knows her students better teaches better.

Stepping in the cafeteria, I walk towards the two joined benches where the students of my department, both seniors and juniors are mingling together and having lunch. Taking a seat with them, I see as the new students' expressions turn from recognition to shock in just a few seconds. But that's not the case with the old ones as they are used to the drill.

Newcomers' faces are hanging open and their failed attempt to form coherent sentences is the funniest. Finally deciding to put them out of their misery I say, "Close your mouths or you might catch flies! To clear your confusion, I like to spend my recess time with my students, your seniors are aware of it. This might sound a little foreign to you all but I am confident that you won't regret spending time with me. And if you feel even a little uncomfortable then you all are allowed to leave. no questions asked."

Continuing I said, "I think I have made myself clear, now finish your lunches before it gets cold. So, my senior kids how did your vacation go? Anybody landed in jail, or passed out drunk in the parties which you guys think i am not aware of ?"

I watch as they exchange glances; okay something definitely happened. Rohan who holds secrets worse than a torn sack of potatoes trying to hold on to the potatoes. He started spilling the beans, "You know Atreyi ma'am what happened? Uday proposed to his nth girlfriend and they broke up in 24 days. That's the longest relationship he has ever been in so he doesn't know whether to celebrate his milestone or drown in his sorrows."

Hearing that everyone sitting on the table broke into fits of laughter. Rohit making fun of Uday's love life seemingly dissipated the slight tension and awkwardness in the air and everyone of us were enjoying our time together. But this moments of happiness didn't last long as I heard a strong masculine voice which I am quite familiar with call out to me, "Professor Atreyi, can I talk to you for a second?"

Why can't he just give me a few days of peace and let me live my quite little life. I think i know what he wants to talk about and i have been dreading this conversation. But knowing i couldn't escape it, I put on the most fake smile i could pull off.

And turning towards him, I said, "Oh sure Professor Atharv. what do you want to talk about? Is it something serious that requires my immediate attention or is it okay with you if I enjoy my quality time with my lovely students and talk to you later in the day ?" Yes, this was my final attempt to postpone the conversation.

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