02. Yeonjun

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"Yeonjun, my man. You ready for tonight?"

Yeonjun blinked only to find himself back in math class. "What?" He'd been caught in one of the nightmares that had kept him twisting in the sheets all night.

"The Ritzes event. You know, the new hotel opening? I got us tickets."


Jeno reached over, grabbed his arm, and shook him. "Yeonjun! Are you sick, dude? Did you even hear what I said? I got us tickets! I sold my firstborn to get them, are you listening to me?"

"You don't have a firstborn." he threw Jeno's hand off him. "What do you want me to do, suck you off? Congrats. You got the tickets, fine."

Jeno shook his head and slumped back in his seat. "Usually, you'd kill to go to such an event. You actually told me that the other day."

"Yeah. Yeah, okay, dude. We're going. Happy?"

Jeno rolled his eyes. "Sure. Have we ever regretted a Lotus Academy event?"

Good point. Though seeing the pretty omegas from afar, no matter how gorgeous and refined they were, was starting to lose its shine. What Yeonjun wanted... it was a real omega, skin and flesh and warm body to hold and to fuck and... and have.

Damn it. It had to be the remnants of his nightmares, confusing him like that.

The teacher shot them a glare but said nothing, turning his back on them to scribble something on the whiteboard. He'd long given up on disciplining their little band of no-good, rich asshole alphas. Who could blame him? Trust funds and powerful clans stood behind most of the alphas of Howl Academy, and this case wasn't any different.

"Is Taerae coming?" Yeonjun rubbed at his eyes. Damn, he was so tired.

"You kidding me? He wouldn't miss it for anything. He's not a fool."

Unlike you, Jeno's accusing glare seemed to say. You've lost your fucking mind.

He probably had. Yeonjun didn't know what was wrong with him these days. Something had changed, but what?

Leaning forward in his seat, he glared at a particular alpha standing outside the classroom, checking his phone: Sungchan. Yeonjun, Jeno, and Taerae had often clashed with him and his own small gang of rich alphas but now...

Sungchan and his buddies had found their Soul Mates last year and were already Mated with babies. They had graduated already, though their Mates still attended, so they were all often hanging out at the academy.

Yeonjun used to think they were all fucking idiots.

Lately, he wasn't so sure anymore. He found himself feeling jealous. What did that mean?

Dangerous, this uncertainty. Yeah, it really was so unlike him. He'd always known what he wanted: to have fun, sleep around, drink and party, and spend his money until there was nothing—because there was nothing left in him to care—and then one day, when he was good and ready, assume his role as heir of the family hotel chain, find a cute little omega and have kids.

It had always seemed straightforward and simple. Expected. Natural.

God damn.

Maybe going to the event tonight was a good idea, after all. Who needed sleep and bad dreams? He'd drink himself stupid and look at pretty omegas and maybe among the Lotus boys, he'd find the one for him.


As if. Fated Mates and all that. Fairytales for little kids. Most people just married out of convenience, like his fathers, and their fathers before them. Most people married to have kids and fulfill their obligations to the fucking society.

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