14. Beomgyu/Yeonjun

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a/n: tw mention of child abuse


His alpha wasn't okay.

Beomgyu felt it from the moment he saw him waiting outside the academy's little theater. Yeonjun was moody sometimes, but wouldn't say why, and it made Beomgyu's heart sad. Why wouldn't Yeonjun talk to him? Possibly because of his pregnancy, he knew. Not to worry him.

But he was worried already. Combined with the stress of the finals and the final show coming up, Beomgyu was beat. As his belly grew bigger and bigger, he had more trouble practicing the musical instruments and the dance moves, as well as the other, more embarrassing classes, such as sex education.

At least he'd been exempted from wearing the fake belly. No need, apparently. He was so heavy he could barely walk. On his small frame, his huge twinner belly jutted outward, so big he had gotten accustomed to using it as a small table to eat on or study.

For Christ's sake.

Those babies seemed all too happy to stay inside. He did have two more weeks, but the doctor had said they might come earlier, but there had been no sign of that yet. The thought of the birth both excited and terrified Beomgyu in equal measure. Though seeing his own two feet again, tying his shoelaces, or even doing something basic such as getting up without help or fitting inside the shower stall might be nice.

Oh, also getting out of a car. He'd half-dozed on the ride back to Howl Academy, his new home, and hadn't even realized when they'd stopped, or when Yeonjun had come around the car, opened the door, and reached for Beomgyu.

Beomgyu smiled sleepily at him, and let him help him out. But the distance in his alpha's dark eyes woke him up in a hurry. Wordlessly, he waddled beside Yeonjun toward the alpha building, his hand in his alpha's, wondering how to broach the topic and how to help.

Thank God for elevators, he thought as they went up, and rubbed at the top of his humongous belly. He'd seen pictures of pregnant omegas. There had been a lot of that during pregnancy class. But his own belly felt so much bigger and it ached all the time. Not too much but enough to make him damn uncomfortable.

Yeonjun's silence was also uncharacteristic, especially after an event when he'd ask about Beomgyu's friends, and his classes, and talk about how Quanrui's arrogant friends had acted up, and they'd both laugh.

Once they were inside Yeonjun's rooms, he tugged on his alpha's hand. "Yeonjun, what's wrong? Are you all right?"

Yeonjun turned to face him and smiled. "Better now you're here."

"What happened?"

Beomgyu thought Yeonjun wouldn't answer, like the previous times he'd asked, but this time Yeonjun's brows drew together and he only said, "Sit with me."

Maneuvering his enormous stomach, Beomgyu sank down on the edge of their bed, groaning a little as the babies settled inside, pressing down. "Tell me. Something's bothering you. Something wakes you up at night. All those nightmares..."

Yeonjun sat down beside him and rubbed both hands over his face. "I'm sorry if I've worried you."

"Yeonjun..." Enough of that crap. Beomgyu had to convince his alpha to open up to him. "Look at me. Here." He pulled one big hand from his alpha's face and placed it on his belly. "Feel that. We worry about you. I love you. I want to help."

"You can't," Yeonjun whispered, his fingers spread over Beomgyu's belly, warm and heavy.

"Try me. Don't hide from me, please."

"No. It wouldn't be fair to you if I did. There shouldn't be any secrets between us."

"It's not about me," Beomgyu whispered. "It's about you. I want you to be okay. What secret could be that bad, huh?"

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