06. Beomgyu/Yeonjun

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"And push!" the teacher said. "By now you should feel the baby crowning. That means that the head is starting to emerge, omegas. Spread those legs. Bear down. Now!"

Beomgyu's face burned. He never thought a class would top the sexual classes in terms of mortification level, but this one did. Birthing classes. The fake belly was still strapped on, and now he had to go through the motions of bringing a baby into the world.

With Jaemin holding his shoulders from behind, his arms around his fake belly, he tried to bear down as the teacher instructed.

"I can't," he finally snapped. "This... this is nonsense."

He had no idea why he was so pissed off.

"Beomgyu," Jaemin said so very patiently from behind him. "Breathe in and out, and then push. Don't you remember?"

"This is ridiculous!" Beomgyu hissed. "Birth is a natural process. This isn't going to help."

"Of course it will. Haven't you ever heard of Lamaze classes? It's an old technique which helps you prepare for the birth. Training those muscles, learning how to do it should help when the moment comes."

"Huh. How do you know all that?"

"I... looked it up." Jaemin sounded... embarrassed? Beomgyu craned his neck to look at his friend, and indeed, Jaemin's cheeks were flushed.

"Go on."

"It's an important topic, all right? Sooner or later, all of us will go through the real thing. This school is helping us prepare. We're privileged in this. How many omegas do you think receive childbirth classes? Or sex classes? We're being given the tools for our future."

"Next you'll tell me I should be thankful my omega father sold me into indenture," Beomgyu snarled. "Maybe I should find him and thank him. Thank the dean for purchasing omega slaves he can sell for profit to the next horny alpha!"

"Shh... keep your voice down. That's not what I'm saying."

"Then what are you saying?"

"God, Beomgyu. You may not remember your fathers, but I do. I'm glad to be here, away from them. At least here I'm offered a chance to shape my future. To work hard, better myself, learn things. Hopefully, also find an alpha who really wants me, not someone... who is saddled with me and would be happy to get rid of me. Don't you see?"

Beomgyu thought he saw now, a little, and lay back down, shame burning through him. He never thought of himself as lucky, or fortunate.

And he felt even worse when Jaemin said, "I heard that there is a temple in the Fae territories where omegas like us are sold, and they have to buy back their freedom with their babies."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that once they have their first heat, customers come and bid to impregnate them. The winner lies with the omega, and once the baby is born, the alpha comes and collects the baby. And then this happens again and again until the omega has paid back his debt to the temple and is free to go."

"Dear God."

"They focus a lot on the babymaking in the Fae lands. Because their birth rate is so low."

"And they never see their babies again?"

"Oh no, I think they can if they want."

It still wasn't reassuring. He really didn't want to feel fortunate for being a shifter, but being a Fae omega sounded like so much worse. Being Jaemin also sounded bad, worse than he'd ever imagined, seeing how cheerful Jaemin was all the time.

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