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DISCLAIMER: Even though I speak against Y*ndev's actions, I don't want any toxic words towards people who still like the game, but not him.

In my rewrite, I am going to give YHS's name a bit. If you surprisingly don't know, YHS stands for "Yandere High School". But here's the problem. It is linked to Yandere Simulator, which is linked to Al*x M@h@n, aka Y*nDev, and I have a burning animosity towards him. No one should ever give him credit for any of the creepy and down right horrible things he has done, so I am giving Yandere High School a new name. But also I wanted to make it stand as its own school, and not exist just because it has a yandere in it.

Of course, the rewrite will be similar to the original YHS. In fact, I'm not even going to change the iconic initials. The new name of the school is "Yerrormot High School".

I made this name based on another High School AU with a creepy undertone, which is "Hololive:ERROR" obviously made by Hololive Productions, which is where I also draft some new characters from, but that's in another chapter, so let's digress. I took the "error" part and squished it in the name.

Yes, it's an odd name, so maybe it's a school founded by some guy with the last name "Yerrormot". And people happened to name the school after him.

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