Reject Humanity, Return to Headcrab

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"UGH!" Uzi exclaimed, unhappy with the situation. When she pulled Gordon out of his memories, N and V didn't follow suit. They've been trapped inside something forced down somewhere against their will. No matter how hard she tried, the two Disassembly Drones were not getting out. What made things worse is that from what Uzi has been seeing, Both of their memories have slowly begun getting eaten up. She had to get them back to the real world. Uzi stepped out of the pod. "Come on, we're heading back to my place. We need to go back in." Gordon stopped her and shook his head. "Why? If we don't do this then N (and V i guess) could be lost forever! You really want that on your conscience?" Gordon sighed. He was afraid. N and V were forcefully kept back somewhere. As if they were in some sort of mind stasis. And ofcourse, Gordon knew of only one person that could do something like that. G-man threw N and V aside because they were of no use to him. If he goes in to try and save them, what is stopping G-man from just plucking him out? Gordon sighed and shook his head. He stepped to the left letting Uzi pass. "I swear, for a badass action hero you can get pretty timid sometimes." Gordon sighed as he continued carrying V to the colony. As he goes he hears rustling and turns to the forest. He swore he could see orange eyes peeking out at him but as he scanned through the trees he saw nothing. He shrugged and kept moving on. When they reached Uzi's residence she opened the door and was immediately greeted by Khan "Uzi! It's great to see you!" Uzi ignores her dad as she drags N into her room. He frowns and turns to Gordon. "Hello Gordon!" Gordon waves slightly before going back to dragging V. He gets her into Uzi's room and the door shuts. Khan watches, upset. "I really need to set house rules."

Gordon placed V down on the ground while Uzi put N right next to her. She went to her desk and began sticking plugs from her computer to N and V's heads. Gordon watched confused. "You're wondering how we were able to access your memories since you're a human?" Gordon nodded, while Uzi smirked and went to her computer typing in inputs. "Yeah it was hard too. Luckily N had surgical tools built onto his hands..." Gordons eyes widened "If I were you I wouldn't touch the back of your neck for a bit." Gordon carefully and lightly touches the back of his neck and feels stitches going across it. He shutters and puts his hands down. Uzi finishes typing on her computer and takes a drink from a can of oil. "Here, it's not the best thing to use but I don't have a bunch of electronic junk lying around." She tosses Gordon a busted up Headset. He looks at it studying the wear and tear visible from it. He looks over to Uzi as she plugs a large retro joystick into her computer "IT'S THE BEST I GOT!" Gordon sighs as he sits on a chair and watches the robot cockroach scurry onto Uzi's hat. Gordon looks over at her screen seeing multiple lines of code. "We gotta wait..N (or V) has to allow us to enter. He just has to mention my username DarkXWolf17" Gordon held back giggles, Uzi frowned "Bite Me!" Gordon looked away from her trying to stop himself from laughing. "Ugh! He keeps ignoring my messages to him! It's like he's oblivious to what's gonna happen soon! life sucked." Gordon turned his head around slightly. "Also...aren't those your friends?" Gordon looked closer at the screen to realize something...the grounds of the mansion were not only infested with birds, but headcrabs as well! This was getting stranger and stranger. This means that N's backstory took place AFTER the resonance cascade..but the combine took over soon after..why the hell are they able to have an entire mansion let alone with worker drone butlers and NOT grab the combines attention. Gordon pondered this only for Uzi to grab the headset from Gordons hands. "Showtime, four eyes, hope you know how to work this thing!" Uzi shoved the headset onto Gordon who was immediately transported somewhere was like when he was transported to xen...except he felt like he was...shrinking? Gordon couldn't understand what the hell was happening eventually the shrinking subsided.

N was tied around a tree. Multiple ravens are pecking at his body. Not only that but a headcrab was latched onto his head. Unfortunately it wasn't able to cover it as the large hard hat was blocking the headcrab. "NO! AHHHH! STOP IT!" N shrieks as the bird pecks on him. Forutnatley N was screaming from pain but instead the ravens pecks and the headcrab moving around on his hardhat was tickling him. He continues to giggle "STOP!" A raven lands on the headcrab and pecks it a bunch. The headcrab goes limp, yellow xen blood stains its body, it's dead...? But is still attached to N's hardhat. The raven jumps down from the headcrab and gives N a stick, wagging its tail feathers. "Go get it, goobers!" All of a sudden all of the ravens turn towards N with glowing green eyes. N looks over at a dead worker drone tied to another tree, a headcrab covering its head. He gives the corpse a thumbs up...and then the ravens begin to attack N for real. "RONALD! WE WERE BUDDIES!" As the attacks slowly subside he thinks back to the messages he saw, and remembered the words that were told would help him. "...DarkxWolf17?" The ravens fly off...except for one, that falls to the ground with a splat. The raven twitches as it begins to rise, its bones cracking and reconnecting back into place...finally a purple light emits from one of its eyes. The words DarkxWolf17 appear above the raven. :I made that tag when I was eight shut up." N scratched his head "Steve? Is that you?" Raven Uzi scoffed "No! I'm from the future! Listen we don't have much time, there's something keeping you trapped here and if we don;t do something, then someones gonna try and erase your and V's memories!" She flies over to N and gnaws off the rope, tying him down. He gets up and Raven Uzi flies over to his shoulder. "We don;t have much time..from my snooping the source of this whole debacle is in the basement...we gotta go there!" N looks at Raven Uzi confused " this a dream?" Raven Uzi groaned "No! If you shut up I'll explain it!" N nodded sheepishly. As he does Raven Uzi looked up at N's head "took you long enough!" N looks up at his head in confusion. The dead headcrab begins twitching and bones begin cracking as well. Finally the headcrab rises, reawakened, yellow blood still staining its body but it's alive nonetheless. As it gets up it looks around and down at N "Who's that?" N asks "Someone else from the future, he's here to help." N waves "Hi li'l fella! I'm N!" Raven Uzi slapped her beak with her wing "He already knows that! Plus he doesn't talk!" N looks down sadly. "Oh...sorry li'l guy." Headcrab Gordon finally regains his senses and looks around and down at N smiling sadly up. On top of Headcrab Gordon the words The1Freeman appear. Gordon unfortunately doesn't see any of this as his vision is blurry. While the headcrab doesn't LOOK like it has any eyes, it does...but unfortunately without glasses Gordon can't see a thing. He gets up, and walks right off of N's head, hitting the ground head first. Raven Uzi laughs at Headcrab Gordons expense. "Wow! What? You've never moved around in a completely different species before huh?" Headcrab Gordon couldn't get back up. He was stuck on his head like a turtle stuck on its shell. N took pity on this "Aww, sorry li'l guy." He helps headcrab Gordon back onto its feet...talons? Gordon tries to walk towards N but instead walks towards a tree at top speed. N winces while Raven Uzi keeps laughing "WOW! WITHOUT YOUR GLASSES YOUR COMPLETELY USELESS!" N sparks an idea. "Glasses..." He runs back towards the tree and goes to another Worker Drone corpse with glasses. He carefully takes it off, wiping the oil stained lenses off. "Sorry...but someone alive needs this." N runs back to the bellowing raven and the blind headcrab. N kneels down and turns Headcrab Gordon to face him. "Here ya go!" N presents him a pair of glasses and puts it where the eyes would be. Headcrab Gordon immediately looks around, surprised at how his vision was much MUCh clearer. He looks up at N whos smiling down at him. "You good now, buddy?" Headcrab Gordon nods. "Great! said the basement, right!" Raven Uzi wipes the tears from her face "Yeah..hehe..the basement...ONWARDS!" She flies onto N's shoulder while Gordon jumps onto N's hardhat, his glasses perfecting his precision.

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