Chapter 27

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After coming out of the old lady's house, Gong Zhuoliang went back to his yard. Ruozi was watching Wenshu and Yuhua as he was packing up. He was only allowed to take away personal belongings and the master's reward. Yuhua would not give Ruozi any affection. Yes, they really stopped a lot of things Ruo Zi took privately, and although Ruo Zi hated it, she could only pick up her tail and leave.

After Gong Zhuoliang entered the room, Wen Shu and Yu Hua sensible left, while Ruo Lan stepped aside and waited.

"Miss save me..."

When the two girls went out, Ruo Zi bit her lip and let out a weeping sound. She rushed over, knelt down and hugged Gong Zhuoliang's leg. She didn't forget how disrespectful and mean she was to Gong Zhuoliang in the past, but she thought that he was the only one who could help her. His own people can only show weakness by taking luck, and he is still holding on to his handle, so he should not die.

Ruo Zi doesn't know why his father, whom he hadn't seen for a few years, suddenly came to redeem himself, but he would never naively think that he was caring about some kind of father-daughter relationship, and he could only take his own life out of Qiao's family!

"... Ruo Zi, you can't stay with the Qiao family. I will send someone to take you to the Gong family. I think your mother will protect you when you come."

Gong Zhuoliang lowered his eyes and looked down at Ruo Zi, who was crying while hugging his thigh, and his tone was soothing, but his expression was indifferent.

Gong Zhuoliang lived a free and unrestrained life in his previous life, so he is very impatient with these internal fights, but in order to protect himself and Qiao Yingze's well-being in this era and this family, he has to be deeply involved. The troublesome people with malicious intentions drove away, Gong Zhuoliang believed that he had done a good job, and as for which way Ruo Zi would choose to take after leaving the Qiao family, it had nothing to do with him.

"Miss Xie..."

With Gong Zhuoliang's assurance that he could send him back to Gong's house, Ruo Zi let go of him with interest and stood up. , Now I regret not having it in his hands, otherwise he can get it directly and destroy it.

Now that the deed of prostitution is still in the hands of the lady, the secrets that I hold cannot be used as a threat, and when I go back, I still have to be a slave...

"Ruo Lan, come with you."

Gong Zhuoliang didn't know Ruo Zi's heart was going back and forth, and he was in a good mood after disarming the time bomb around him, so he planned to go back to the room and play with Xiao Xianggong.

As for Ruolan, this time Gong Zhuoliang asked her to go to Gong's house with another task, which is to tell Madam Gong about Aunt Wu's consideration of changing her voice, and then take Ye'er over in a justifiable manner, directly blocking Madam Gong from taking the opportunity to go again. Follow the way of the people around you.

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX because he wanted to send these people to the palace, Shi Kang thought that there were two unmarried girls, so he hired two sedan chairs, and then led the horse that Gong Zhuoliang had given him, and led it at a side door. Ruo Zi's father and brother Hou Zhu, Yu Guang looked at the rickety black and thin old father and the neat and tidy boy, and saw that one of them was timid, and the other was faintly impatient and arrogant, Shi Kang retracted his eyes and thought slightly.

The two said they were here to redeem their daughter, but they didn't see the slightest familial thoughts between their expressions and conversations, but they seemed to be... thinking about something.

"Miss Ruolan."

Shi Kang and Ruo Lan had met a few times at Wenquan Zhuangzi, so seeing the two of them coming out, Shi Kang first said hello to Ruo Lan, and then politely lifted the sedan curtain for her, and Ruo Lan responded with a faint response. With a smile, he put his skirt on the sedan chair, and the Ruo Zi family behind them became very tense.

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