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            My heels clanking against the tiles as i walked to my room depressed, frustrated and ashamed of myself. Finally i got into my room and fell on my bed. Nothing but tears rolling down my eyes. I got up from my bed ad walked to my dressing mirror.

            "What...the...fuck!" I exclaimed after seeing my reflection in the mirror. "Now i know why Jasmine's husband was staring at me like that." I said feeling so embarrassed.

             My makeup was smudged, my eyeliner had moved so much that i now looked like a raccoon; There were lipstick marks trailing from my lips to my neck.

                "Oh do i forgive myself for this? How would i allow myself shamelessly get intimate with a guy? A guy i'm not even dating!" I soliloquies, tears running down my eyes. "What do i do?" I thought. "I'll call Palmera." I finalized.

             I searched my handbag roughly and found my phone, dialing Palmera's number as fast as i could. It started ringing and on the fifth ring, it connected.

            "Hey babe...." Said Plamera in a flirty manner.

            "Yeah....hi." I responded as i sniffed.

              "Oh my gosh, are you crying? What's the matter baby girl?" She asked with concern in her voice.

              "Well...uhm. Remember that guy i told you about? The one i told you i met in the restaurant the day i came to Nigeria?"

              "Mhm...yeah...yeah. I remember. The one you said was handsome and i quarreled with you for not collecting his contact."

            "Yes, that one. We made out."

            "I don't get you. Were you guys dating? Iris, how come you never told me?"

            "That's because we weren't dating. Alright here's what happened..." I narrate the whole story to her in detail. "One thing led to the other and we...made out." I said breaking down.

            "Did you have sex with him?"

            "No, not really."

           "Then you need to chill out. What are you disturbing yourself for. Girl, even teenagers make out and forget about it an hour later. Your stressing yourself for nothing." She sighed

            "That's not the problem here. We're not dating and i allowed him suck my nipples when i barely know him. I'm not a stripper or prostitute that won't care. What if he has an std?"

            "Girl, calm down. And if he sucked your nipples, what's the big deal? There are nipples all over the internet. Even dogs have animals. Infact, going braless is now a fashion trend. So calm down girl. What you should do is this, on Monday morning, go to the hospital for a medical check up. So till then, stop yapping. Geez....your such an overthinker!"

           "Oh my world. I pray i forget this before tomorrow morning."

           "Iris, don't be delusional. And by the way, i thought you said he was handsome. Why are you going mad about this? Your literally meant to be happy a handsome guy couldn't control himself around you..." She chuckled. "Literally, all your ex's are unattractive. Lets be honest." She laughed mockingly.

            "Palmera, this is not time for jokes."

            "Iris, go to bed. I assure, you'll feel better by tomorrow morning."

           "If you say so. Bye Palmera."

           "Sleeping solves 98% of a problem. Bye amica. Love ya..."

          "Love ya too." She hung up. As i was about dropping my phone, a knock came on my door. "Come in!" I echoed. The person behind the door opened it. it was my aunt.

            "Chi Chi!" She shouted with excitement. Seeing my face, her countenance changed. "Damn, sweetheart, you have a lot going on. What's up? What happened?"

            "Aunty...." I ran to her and hugged her. "Aunty i feel so ashamed of myself." I said sobbing so hard.

          "Alright, let's seat down and talk about it." She said, breaking the hug and ushering me to the bed. When we sat she faced me.

          "So what happened." She asked looking very concerned.

          "Aunty i made out with a guy at the party."

          "I thought as much. Your makeup is smudged. What happened after that?"

           "Nothing really. I just didn't like the fact that i barely knew him and did such a thing with him."

           "Were you drunk?"

            "Yeah...a little bit."

           "That's the reason why you did that. You wouldn't have done it if you were in your normal state of mind. Calm down sweetheart." She pulled me into a hug. " You'll be fine. Besides, your of age. Why bother so much? Did you have sex with him?" She asked, breaking the hug.

            ", i didn't. We just kissed and did other things."

            "Did you go naked in front of him?"

            "Yes..." I said shyly. "He pulled down my bra and....." I paused, contemplating on it i should tell her.

          "And...he sucked your nipples?" She asked trying to look at my face that was now staring at the floor out of shame.

           "....Ye....yes...yes he did."

          "Okay. Don't worry Chi Chi. Forget about it. Just have your bath and sleep. You'll feel better by tomorrow."

           "Okay aunty."

           "By the way, did anyone see your face like that?" She asked, pointing at my face as she giggled.

           "Unfortunately, yes."

          "Oh my..." She laughed at me. "That's not good. Oh well, whatever. No one is above embarrassment."

            "Yes....i guess." I said and shrugged.

              "Alright, I'll leave you to take care of yourself. Should i bring your dinner to your room or leave it on the dinning table?

            "Just leave it on the table. I'll bring it to my room. I don't want you to serve me. It's meant to be the other way."

            "I don't mind. I'm bringing your dinner. Bye." She waved childishly and left my room. I guess my aunty is right. No one is above embarrassment.

           As i walked to the bathroom, my mind went to my mom. It's quite sad that i had a problem and my mom didn't come to my mind to call and complain. Well, good thing i have Palmera and aunty Deja. I pray i never meet Noah again. Hopefully, my prayer would be answered this time.

        And..... it's a wrap🎬. I hope you  found this chapter interesting. The next chapter is coming soon. Till then....




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